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A member registered Jun 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ok I see what you mean and I agree ! Kinda talking out loud so you can skip it but in a past version I just gave extra mana when playing the Tetris part like you should (like you're doing) but it didn't feel good so I scrapped it and didn't touch it again. I think I had a solution floating around in my head but I'll have to test it, I imagine something similar to "Limit Breaks" or Dicey Dungeon's "Supers" but usable only if you made a 4 lines combo. What I mean by that is character specific enablers.

Anyway ramblings asides I truly thank you for your time and useful feedback !!!

I've played Peglin a little bit, it's definitely an interesting concept. Thanks for the suggestion !

Haha glad to be the reason you wrote so much about Tetris !

Hi ! Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to write some feedback ! 

That's a shame, do you feel that way for every character or only this one ? 

I'm always open to change things and I'm actively thinking about how to improve the game but it might take a while.

I hope you stil had an enjoyable time nevertheless ! Thank you once again !

I appreciate that, thanks! I'm testing things out for the next zones.

Thank you!

I'm glad you liked it, it means a lot to me.

Thank you !

Thank you ! Yeah I'll try to tell a story next time.

Thank you ! I'll see what I can do.

Hey, don't worry it's most probably on my part. Can you tell me exactly what happened ? I'll take a look.