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A member registered 47 days ago

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Excellent job for your first game! The floaty jumps of the character makes for a unique platforming experience. I don't play platformers often, but this was a pretty fun first level.

A few critiques

Sometimes when you jump into a group of enemies they will trap you like this

or this.

When this happens you cannot move but you also cannot die, creating a softlock that requires you to close the game to continue playing.

In this area if you fall down here

It is impossible to get back onto the platform and you have to jump into the pit and die to continue.

Some additions I think would be nice

Checkpoints at certain parts would help with not having to repeat parts of the level the player has already mastered.

I think taking damage should be more responsive; sometimes it's hard to notice when you take damage even with the red flashing on your character. Maybe something like getting knocked backwards could help with that.

A gliding mechanic could be very fun; I feel like the fact that your character is a bird is not really utilized enough and could allow for a lot of unique platforming mechanics. Of course, anything like that would probably be really difficult to code, but if you think you're up for the challenge I think it could help your game stand out. Some of the parts of the first level would actually already facilitate gliding; a lot of it involves making long jumps that might be a bit more satisfying if you could smoothly glide over them.

Maybe also have the character do a little hop whenever they land on an enemy. I know you can already jump off the top of them, but it could help make fighting groups of enemies a bit less grindy. It would also make killing enemies a bit more responsive and satisfying.

I'm excited to see what you release in the future!