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A member registered Dec 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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oke this is fun

that's a qalitie game right there

its cool

and this is just an prototype. wow i love it

(1 edit)

its a cool concept could be a bit more fleshed out but it sure is fun

no i mean when i look down the gun doesnt move down 

make it multiaplayer and this is gona be a hell of a fun game.

you should make the hand cannon  stuck to the camera in sted of stuck to the fps controller

i made it.... i loove the concept the story telling is good and overall its a blast to play as you schratch your head wat you are gona cut now

its really fun but quite hard, if you want to update the game mayby make more difficulties or that the player can diside self how much money he get at the start and a better tutorial, i havent found out what the barbed wire does, but its a really great game and a good consept

loved it


really nice

nice game, ther is a bug that wen you are boosting you can go right but not left.. and may by make it that if you slowdown it keep slow down until you press it again..

funny litle game



your anti virus is blocking a fille. that fille is response for color and sprites

it looks beautiful

(5 edits)

i love the game but mayby a chest and a creative mode is a idea and i have found a bug some times you can't place a floor.