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A member registered Sep 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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You're right; the game is not finished, and we're so sorry about it. We liked a lot the idea we came up with during our brainstorming, but as we decided to try working with 3D for the first time, this was the farthest we got. We had a bunch of problems trying to create new animations on Blender, and I personally struggled a lot trying to work with some assets.

Hey Matt! Thanks for the feedback; it's very valuable to us :)

This is our first attempt at a 3D game, and we had some hard times with a bunch of small and simple details, so our game ended up poorly developed, but it was valuable learning.

Thanks for your feedback! We spent a lot of time trying to make basic stuff work, and unfortunately, we didn't have the time to put more effort into this game. Sorry about it :/

Hey there o/ Sorry for the delay... Yeah, you guys are right. This was our first experience with 3D, and we struggled a bit. We use Jams as a "study time," and this specific Jam aimed to deliver something in 3D. We learned a lot, thankfully :)

Thanks for your feedback <3

Hey there! Just wish to confirm if that's okay to submit new versions as we're getting some feedbacks and improving some stuff like very small visual aspects or solving some minor issues?

Don't need to apologize bro, me and @rurikido are not native english speaker either and I often use Google Translate to ensure everything I wrote is fine 😁


Thank you for the compliment on the visuals! We appreciate your feedback. We plan to implement camera easing in our upcoming games to enhance the overall gaming experience.

Thanks for playing the game! We're glad you enjoyed it. Sorry about the resolution mixing 😓

Thanks for your feedback! We're glad you found the concept interesting and enjoyed the overall presentation.

Thank you! It's great to see you guys liked our ambience, we did with love 🥹

Thanks so much! I was very worried about the music we choose! I'm happy someone liked 

Hey Reshuu, thanks for you comment! Unfortunately we had some issues we didn't achieve to solve before the deadline but we strongly  appreciate you liked our concept 😊

I appreciate 😊 We even tried to use the idea of lucky on the "fortuna" but we didn't achieve to go deeper on that

Thanks so much! I couldn't think any other think besides Indy when he had only one chance to choose the correct Holy Grail 

That's a great suggestion! At first we were inspired by Tibia to use typing for casting spells... But yeah, in some time it turned quite repetitive... We let our Wizard be immortal as part of the OP limitation but because we hadn't much time to control HP 😅

Thanks so much! 

We thought about having more spells but we hadn't have the time.

We thought about: 
- fire spell (like we added)
- frost spell
- light spell
- thunder spell
- companion spell (like a spectral weapon)

We planned to have specific scenarios for each too

We hadn't thought about that and I believe it's a fantastic idea! Maybe adopting the idea to control elements by it names and then teaching how to spell it. 😯

Hey, thank you! It was our first Jam and we had too many ideas too little time to implement, we thought to do so much more. 🥲

Someone gets me 😏

Thanks so much! 😊