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A member registered Oct 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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The link to the offical website just redirects to an ad ( on Firefox and some kind of ad blocker I havent heard of on Edge)

When will there be a Linux build?

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The game crashes upon launching. Unable to get error code (Wine returns error code 5 and says it cant attach itself to get a backtrace) P.S. Itch says that it got exit code 0x5

The text doesnt render

oh wait there isnt a linux build… How did it even launch lol

On linux, absolutely no text renders, making it hard to use

Edit: I just installed Wine and it opens now

Hi, is there a version for Linux? When I tried to run the .exe under Proton, it returned an error that said something like createThread(): exit code 2 (I dont remember exactly)

Thanks for the input :D The red line shows the limits of the frag spawning.

P.S. I’ve haven’t had much time to play and rate any games, as I have been busy switching to a new computer. I hope everyone understands! :>

Thanks for the input! In the game there are two things, the red border (this shows the limits of the fragment spawning) and two, the fragment texture is arranged in an arrow, which points towards the anvil.

I was initally going to add enemies, but I decided to make this a chill game (and totaly not because I’m lazy)

I haven’t tried yet lol

I hope this game has a graphics level option… R.I.P. 7yr old potato laptop

I can’t move… I’m stuck and I don’t see the anvil but it says I win?

How do I run the game?

A fun, small game!

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I've noticed it dropping a few key presses too, even when I run directly from source. As for the sound effects, I don't know if you're actuslky experiencing issues or it's just how I made the sound effects. Thanks for the input! :>

Edit: Oh, I see what you mean with the sounds. That wasn't there before. I wonder why the web version remains unchanged and yet does that. I should probably add a note somewhere in the description. Perhaps on lower end devices it lags for some reason and does this...

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Thanks for playing! Would you mind describing the bugs?

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A short game, with no sound, but an intresting game and idea with potiential!

Edit: I found a bug, HP doesn't work like it should.

It seems intresting, but I can't find a way to save the game and the background images don't appear (at least on android. Also, why does it want access to my camera and location? I can understand storage permission (persumably to write saves), but why camera and location?

Very fun game! Very hard to do solo tho :(

There should be multiplayer via LAN or the internet

You could use both hands (like putting the second player at the pump)