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A member registered Nov 28, 2020

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The discord :)

It's crazy to know how much work goes behind this project! Take your time with everything, because you're doing fantastic!

This is nuts! I do have to ask, since the export saves are no longer encrypted, will the updated version still be able to open the (encrypted?) save I have from the current version?

Not that I would mind playing the game over again, but I did like my progress

Fantastic demo! I loved it and can't wait to see how the game ends up!

I can't believe I didn't watch the whole oral climax on the first time... good god that's amazing

This is god-tier stuff, Moxi! Holy shit! Thank you!

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Ohhhh okay that makes perfect sense. I wonder if I could see the change if I look for it now haha

What does the Pixel Perfect mode do? I turned it on, but as far as I can see, it didn't change anything for me

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So excited for the update to be dropped! Love your work!