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A member registered Jan 26, 2024

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Thanks for the feedback!

We didn’t get time to implement a volume slider unfortunately. The gas is also meant to follow you rather than gradually fill up the entire room. It’s more of an intelligent creature than just a big cloud of gas that’s spreading, so we’ll look into how to communicate that to the player.

The optimisation is definitely something we’ll be taking a look at, too, since it’s something else we didn’t get the time to really sink our teeth into. As for the network access, I’m not sure what caused that but it’s not something we intended so we’ll see if we can track that down. I’m pretty sure it’s something to do with Unreal Engine and potentially some option or dependency as you’ve suggested, maybe some sort of Unreal Engine telemetry?

We’ve got a list of all the feedback we’ve gathered so far and we’ll be taking February to sort through it and implement changes, fixes and redesigns so that should solve most if not all of these issues.

Glad you enjoyed! :)

Currently there isn’t an ending beyond trying to get the highest score. We’re planning on adding a proper ending and a story including different types of puzzles and some objectives. Right now we’re just seeing how the core mechanics and basic elements of the game function and how well they’re received. We do have plans to add more though.

Also, awesome score! I think that’s the highest anyone’s reached by quite a wide margin, excepting one of the dev team. It’s great to hear you enjoyed the game and that you found the settings useful. Hopefully when we add more levels and some new powerups you’ll enjoy it even more!

Thanks for playing! :)


Run Dazza Run! It’s a bit limited in terms of content and levels but the mechanics are solid and it’s pretty fun as it is. We missed a few things here and there but they’ll be fixed up for Steam eventually.

I’d recommend Penguin Parade too, though I’m not sure if one of the early puzzles in it is bugged, or if I’m just not seeing the solution. It was cute and had great music and art style, so definitely give that a try if you’re into puzzle games.

Cute penguins, interesting mechanic and lovely art, sound and music. Some of the puzzles were a bit confusing since while I knew the theory of “press E on the penguin and teach it” it wasn’t always immediately clear how that system worked, but it wasn’t actually that difficult it just took a bit of experimentation to figure it out.

I really enjoyed this and my only complaint is that there wasn’t more to play, haha. I do wonder if having some extrinsic reward tied to the rescue of the penguins would make it more fun, but what’s here is already awesome!

I rate this a solid 8/10.

(1 edit)

Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoyed helping Dazza, haha. We’re looking forward to adding more content and improvements after the game jam.

Eat Brains! teases a really interesting concept, reversing the typical survival objective that’s at the core of almost every zombie game.

Controlling a group of zombies and using those zombies to strategically win fights and grow your horde is a great idea, but content-wise Eat Brains seems very incomplete,

I can definitely see the potential here. The music and art is great, but the U.I. and gameplay needs work.

Overall, I’d say this was a fun and interesting concept that needs more playtesting and content before I could comfortably call it a game.

You’ll definitely see more of Dazza and more of Donald’s Manufacturing. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! We’re glad you enjoyed it. We’ll be working on polishing it and adding some more content in preparation for a future Steam release.

Thanks for the feedback! We’re looking forward to improving the experience and ironing out some of the bugs, hopefully it’ll be made even better in the coming weeks. It was awesome to see the game streamed on Twitch a little bit and the comments here have been really fun to read and helpful for knowing what to focus on next.

Impressive score! I can definitely understand where you’re coming from in regards to wanting more levels. Originally we had around a dozen levels planned with a short storyline and a more extensive use of voiceovers.

Due to the time constraints we had to postpone most of that, but after the Game Jam is over we’re definitely going to consider expanding the number of levels, adding more voiceovers and improving the game’s size.

Thanks for playing our game, Nijelous!