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A member registered Jan 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hahaha I'm sure you will but just FYI lol, DAW is just a general term for the application you use to make music. Sorry for not making it clear😭

You seem really talanted based on this game lol, I bet if you got a free DAW that you could make some simple but great music👌

It crashes for me :(


Please ad firefox support

I think the graphics are really cute, and the enviroment is too. It was a little bit hard aiming at the enemies and it would be great to respawn when you die. The keyboard controlls were good. For some reason my nintendo switch pro controller was bugging out. I am really thankfull that the game has ultrawide monitor support unlike some games I've paid $60 for. I hope the development continues and i'll deffinetally be playing this game more! 

Pretty fun but you should add more explaination since i was a little confused about what i was supposed to do, keep up the work!

Is/will the full game be free?

it isn't working for me