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A member registered Jan 13, 2019

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Hey, thank you for your hard works. this game is great. though i might need some help. i still don't know where to discover misc scene number 1 and 3. also, wonder if there's a guide for this game. anyway, hope the best for you out there


about the horse end, where and on which night i can see them?

thanks 馃憤

About factory bad ends, there is a scene which i haven't unlocked, and it refer to "Hidden Surveillance Room". Where can i find it?

thanks for looking into it,馃挄

I dont think that's the problem, since i dont even yet meeting them when yhis problem occurs. Or is it really gonna do error message everytime if you decide to not meet them yet?

So, this happened while trying to tap on ability while fighting. What i think is the initial cause is trying to flirt the slime. Now i unable to use any ability mid-fight. Lol. Karma i guess. This is public build btw. Thanks for reading this

Can you post a cheat sheet or guide to go to all ending? I like this game, but constantly replaying the game just to search the ending i want (and failed) really annoying tbh.

im sorry, but i think i need a help with this one, i am sure i already explore all early afternoon scenes, but i cant find the one i mention before. 

Or am i already done it and the to do list didn't disappear? 

so, dont know if this is a bug or not, but i already doing the Rune's human dong part and yet it still locked in the gallery. Anything i did wrong? 

And also, how to unlock "mysterios figures: corridor in early afternoon"? 

Unless you want to say your health potion can do damage to other people

Not that, as you can see in the middle, the description of the items are wrong, it triggers when I changed between item. It is minor but kinda annoying

锟約o... I'm playing on Android, and I think this is a bug? Merchant on track day 2.

is the town available for public ver?

dildo and dildon't?

make the alpha WW libido to max then, do the "thing", and voila... you get alpha liquid

why don't you use witch/priestess amulet? did you sell yours?

for now, it seems yes. the storyline for logan when discourage or encourage him have a different path.

emmm, do you have any love potion? i think he will be there again if you have one.

wait, there's a game over scene in ver 0.15? ohoho... nice

normally, the next day after you give medicine to him, he will be healthy again. maybe there's some bugs or anything else that make this happens. i suggest you to DM the creator to seek for solution.

i think, the bartender aka. harold, will like you more when your character use the tavern service ( order something to drink or room for the night). if order drink can't increase his like meter, try to order room for the night with his company. it will increase his like meter by 2 pts.

first you need to get the "Corrupted Logan".  Encourage him to go to bandit camp. Then, there is gonna be a scene where he and the fat bandit have sex in sawmill on night. after that there must be outdoor fun scene with him, i guess.  if there isn't, try to change your character position as a top/versatile.

i find a bug, i think. when discovered the basement for the first time in tavern, the background is still in underground even after i go back to surface.

Hyao-san, may i ask a favor, for the shaft game, instead of using bubble text like the conversation, why don't use arrow pad? it's somehow confusing to use, because the bubble text for direction will change position regarding to where is my position. so i think, with arrow pad, the direction that i want to go will easier to choose. amd sorry if i being mean with this request. i know you're working very hard to make this wonderful game. and i cant even support you as a patron. also Thanks for your hardwork.

how could i access the lake of purification? it says that you can find it in the ruin's underground, but i can't access to the underground part, it is related with "lizardman head and tail" and "gate at the back of corridor"? is there more part or lizardman's body that i need to collect to access it?  Thank you.

now that's a hard condition to do it. Thank you very much

how do i can get game over scene with raptors?

this game was really nice

Also i need to know, what "consequences" here. And bottom Logan, is the scene happen after he raid to camp or.... While he was do the raid?

Thank you. And sorry for bothering you too much.

Found it. Hehe.  Now i can be with my "master" everyday. :3. Thanks for helping me, Hyao-san

hmmm.... i wonderin why i cant find the new location and troll. i want to lower my sanity with him :3. may i have a clue, Hyao-san?

Thank you for your hard works, Hyao-san. Turn's out the BG from Gavelle-san seems really good. hehe. really satisfied. Also pls show my gratitude to ZoroJ-san for makin another hot Guys :3

just 1 potion is enough for him to be cured. To make Bernard drink the potion, you can approach him in his place in daylight like usual. The dialog box will explain the condition of Bernard. Etc

thank you for your hardwork! Hyao-san.

hehe, i forgot the development works like that. I hope the best of luck of you. Keep up the good work :3

For the 1.0 ver, will the game be completed?

hmmm... The stats changed.. ok. Now i understand. Thank you, Hyao-san :3