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A member registered Nov 02, 2016

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Hello Nami

Im from Poland and i love your games (Sorry for my English i cant spell very good but i can understand it very well) and im interested in translating the lonely wolf

Treat series for polish . I know (most) polish players dont interest in playing games that no one else plays (in poland of course) but i think i could make few of them to play it.Im not very expirenced in programming games still i could help you if you could explain how to translate the game.I can make it a game translation in a text and then send it to you.This comment will appear at every game so sorry for spam i just want you to notice.If not dont worry,I still will love your games and still recomend it to my friends just please give me a sign

My email (if you could please send me a message if you are interested)

Anyways have an great day or night