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A member registered 91 days ago

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Does it affect gameplay?

I don't have this fetish but I still want to play along. I enjoy the social aspect of it all. If people invade my space too much I want to stick up for myself, but sometimes the game expects me to be overly passive toward people who haven't shown me they can be trusted and I'm not always able to continue otherwise.

Nel herself offers some training, and additional training with Nel can be accessed via interactions with Glace and Vivi. You can also visit the Mystic Fox Shrine at the Hot Springs in order to harden your body outside of Nel's control.

I think what Bert has to say about the Order of Mages will explain it better to you. After all, as a trainee of the Red Phoenix Guild, you are supposed to take orders from Edgar, passed down through Bert. If someone else tells you to do something which contradicts what Bert says, you are expected to side with Bert.

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If not at well, not in clothing inventory, and not at tower, ask fortuneteller

I think there is some miscommunication here. Let me see if I can steelman everyone's statements:

alexeyms is indicating that by far the most effective method of getting M/F content into the game will be to get on Patreon and argue in favor of it there. Given the rather small community this game currently has, one person's opinion on Patreon likely goes a very long way.

arealsecret is pointing out that opinions on the public forum are valid and useful for the developer. After all, sometimes it can be a two-way street: paying patrons can get their voice heard more easily, while just the same, catering to content that the public wants can help to bring in new patrons.

I think arealsecret's main point is that it is valid to offer opinion on the game's development direction here on the public forum. But I don't think alexeyms was saying it's wrong, but rather just giving the advice on how the message could be more potent.

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There is a way to go on battle autopilot which will be introduced to you eventually. Once you have this, you can farm gold and other items while AFK.

Nel best girl

seems to be not only my opinion but also the opinion of the developer

I won't spoil any more than that.

You might have one. Check you inventory and see if any of your items are a berry.

Understanding a lot of the events requires listening carefully to what the characters say. But this could be difficult even for someone who doesn't have brain damage. The fortuneteller may be a good help. I can say from experience that throughout this game I never faced any bad turning point other than a game over from health depletion. Many characters are cruel, but they always turn out to be nice on some level. The game makes Celica a glutton for abuse.

P.S.: If you need help defeating the demoness, go visit the hot springs. There is an intricate set of events there but eventually you can gain powerful magic which will make her a pushover in comparison.

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I got her back immediately, but that was apparently a mistake. There is a secret event which happens if you don't get her back for a while. But the fortuneteller can help you out with a lot of these.

I wasn't aware that any monsters could climax.

Someone else said I had found something they didn't and I was thinking if they loaded my save and noticed something new, what could it be other than the new Bee area? Which got me thinking maybe a lot of people miss that one. I solved it as soon as I saw it but I also kept reflecting on every old item I had sitting in my inventory without a use yet (good strategy when trying to find the last few secrets) and I am also highly familiar with the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and variations/references. I think the average player might be a lot more likely to have no idea what to do there and move on.

I'm sorry, I responded before I read this.

There are plenty of F/F games made for men. This one feels way more made for women. As a lesbian, I feel like there's very little out there which caters to my interests. This game does, it really feels like a special thing made for me and I've never seen anything else come this close to my interests before. P.S.: It has a M/F relationship late in the game, though it's still in the extreme dom/sub style of the game (F dom/M sub). It's short (so far, anyway) but if you want to experience that content, take Liam to the cave. And you can re-experience it as many times as you like by wearing the Succubus Ring when you sleep and going to the obelisk.

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I discovered something neat in my music library. There is an old song that reminds me of Elith. In fact it's almost like a theme song for her.

Potential minor spoiler:
If you have met Elith, you probably will understand what I mean.
The song is 'A Lidless Lense' by Floating Isle

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The Fortune Teller didn't give you a hint for that one? Might be a bug. Dev Suggestion: In the case that the player has met the mysterious bee again without Miriam but has not planted the beans, the Fortune Teller could have a relationship hint for unknown character which says something like "Make magic happen by planting something special at Willow's End."

I use it to tease Nel.

Is there anything that's supposed to happen after that? I took a stroll with what's-her-name and we just fought zombies over and over, and nothing else seemed to happen.

I saw your request back when you posted it but I had not yet finished the game. Well, now I have!
Cheers and good luck!

So you ate the two cookies and the fortune teller and bartender both have no hints for you? Try turning on map hints and check each zone?

There are lots of M/F games out there already! I found this one because I searched for lesbian erotic games and I didn't find much other than this!

talk to the bartender more

And then as time passes you can get more dark orbs from the same source. Two more once you have gotten the first one after completing all events with Selena.

Well dang, if I had known this sooner, I would have spent less time smacking enemies way below my level while not gaining any skill experience or gold! D:

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I got the enchanted thread and the dwarven cogwheel. But I forgot to mention I also appear to be short by two Solarite. I have two items which can be upgraded to a Solarite version I think (Willpower ring and Allure pendant) but there are no more treasures I can find. I tried opening several more mystery boxes but I am just getting generic items from them now. Are there two more Solarite available?

Actually based on what Good Dirt said below, it sounds like they just aren't available.

Justice for Elize! Penelope was mean to me, Elize was nice. How come only Penelope gets to be in my body? <3

Hey! I got the last event! The last one for me was the one with Penelope. The Fortune Teller told me about it.

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They're a really easy fight with one or more party members along with confusion immunity potion. Sleep immunity can also be useful. You can fight them solo but the immunity potions will be basically necessary, and the Free Soul skill will also help a lot. Violet is a great help if you have her. Nel on autopilot is also pretty good at taking them on but might possibly be vulnerable to stalemate if alone. Recommended attributes: high willpower and arcane, low allure. Cooldown not important unless you have a light spell. Elf armor might be useful here. Hmm I wonder if that was intentional?

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Thank you! I have a box, I haven't figured out how to open it but I hadn't really tried much either. I will look there!
edit: oh you just open them?? This whole time I was thinking I needed to take them to the right place and do the right thing to make it open. I think it being a key is what fooled me.

There seems to be a bug in this version in which Nel will take over Celica's body for sex way too often if you use the hourglass to pass time; she will do it multiple times in a day if you make small enough jumps with the hourglass.

I am struggling to find one more enchanted thread and one more dwarven cogwheel. I need these to buy the last two clothing items from the tailor, but I have completed all quests and events save for one secret event, and I have checked and re-checked every combat zone plenty of times and there are no remaining treasures to discover that I can see.

I am also at the same point, all events save for one secret event are completed. I read on the wiki that there is a secret event in which if you are wearing Glace's armor and are in Celestian form when Glace takes over, then she will learn about Celestian form and be able to use it, and you will also be able to use it when fighting her.

But I don't see how it is possible to have her take over during Celestian form because it only functions while time is paused, but she only takes over if time is passed. I managed to get what might be the closest possible to that: I ended combat while in Celestian form and immediately after shifting back to human form, Glace took over. She didn't say anything about the form. I don't see how she could use it in combat since she always brings Evie along. I was not able to use Celestian form in combat against her even though we were alone in a room together. So it seems that I have failed to get this secret event.

I bumped myself up from version 0.66.014 to 0.68.008 the other day and I noticed some interesting character redesigns.

Godrin the Dwarf
Tremendous change. He definitely looks a LOT more like a Dwarf now. I liked his look before, as he looked like a Dwarf who had been dressed up in a "Santa's Elf" style which seemed fitting. But I also like the new one and it is also just a higher quality sprite overall. He also looks more like the people of Dirn Kibhar, which I suppose is fairly important.

Vivi the Maid
Slight change to her face. This one saddened me a bit because I preferred the way she looked before. Now she is more conventionally attractive, but before she had a more devious look which I felt was particularly befitting of her "Gihihi" laugh. It's minor, though. Not a big deal.

Celica Spirit Form
Subtle yet distinct improvement. The sprite doesn't look hugely different but it was a bit weird looking before and it was bugging me so I'm quite happy that it got some work done. The new sprite is perfect and really captures the impression that Celica is more timid than how she carries her physical self. High quality work!

Glace the Enchanted Armor
All of these improvements got me thinking and hoping: I hope they fixed that horrible look when Glace is in Celica's body in combat and she turns her head greater than 90º with respect to her body. Took her out to check...nope, still doing the weird head thing. Oh well. Can't fix everything in one update!

Anyway, I just wanted to say I really appreciate the graphics updates, just as I really like the overall graphics of the game quite a lot and I think the current quality is very generally. Also when I see screenshots with older graphics, I typically feel that the new works are fantastic upgrades! Amazing job!

P.S.: Evie's image on this page is in need of an update

Yes, it is a combination of her being an actual main character (the player character) since Rule of Cool dictates it is better to involve the player than strive for realism overall, as well as camp in that the story is meant to be a half-serious fantasy world. Yet despite that, the game designer has included a silly yet fairly airtight basis to explain it: to avoid spoilers I will say only that for reasons explained later in the game, people and creatures throughout the game world feel an unnatural sexual attraction to Celica specifically, simply because of who she is.

I think that the plot, though clearly contrived, easily fits within my suspension of disbelief as the world building seems to have been diligent enough to consider these things.

I don't sense any Mary Sue Syndrome in Celica. She's extremely, perhaps even unrealistically, kind and forgiving but that's more of a weakness than a strength, and it gets exploited. It's the friends she makes along the way who defend her from those attackers, and that is the benefit to her kindness. Also she does become a very powerful mage so that helps a lot when she needs to defend herself.

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Ah, so it is a greater alchemite. I noticed similar behavior with the common treasure greater alchemite in the dark cave. It seems that the inherent rarity of the greater alchemite as common treasure is so high that it's considerably faster to farm them as rare treasure with the treasure finder.

edit: I just got five of them in a row. Weird.

I didn't have any difficulty getting the rare treasures. It's the common treasure I can't get, and the treasure finder won't help with that.

I am having trouble getting the last common treasure from the Dirn Khibhar Mines. I counted 43 common treasure chests in a row giving the mana leaf item. I've gotten the health berry there before, but not in this session. During this time, I got a gold chest, four silver chests, and two mimic chests. The third common loot is still unknown.

The Lesbian Fortune-Teller: