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A member registered Oct 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm hoping that you can get a team together and/or you can continue this project.

I really would pay good money to keep supporting this.

For some gripes, I'd like to add in that if you keep moving up against a wall while Blinx is in a jumping state, he will claw at the wall before slowly falling down, just like an actual cat would.

And, if you make it to Deja Vu Canals, I also want to add that whenever Blinx is in his swimming state, he puts his goggles over his eyes.

Thank you again for putting this on PC!

(1 edit)

There's no reason why it should conflict with TE. But it also has not been tested.

It's only a mod. We don't have the power to add the skins to the base game, sadly.