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A member registered Feb 21, 2020

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There's a lot to love about this MVP.  I did not play the previous one, but it is really enjoyable to move the character around here. The animations complement the physics system to convey a clear sense of your/the magnet's momentum under different effects,  where your character can jump to, and so on. Jumping around in particular is a joy and I often found myself doing so as I considered possible solutions.

No puzzle stuck out as a poor inclusion. They definitely got more difficult as they went on, but never so much that I was stuck on a puzzle for longer than a couple of minutes. I felt a number of the click moments you have described as I would attempt a solution, found the limitations, and then laughed when I noticed where I went wrong.

For minor things I appreciated, I thought it was smart to have the switches be angled as they are so you can roll over them to activate them, often pointing me in the direction I wanted to go as I did. Also, I liked that I could cancel a throw after holding X if I didn't use the thumbstick to aim, rather than being locked into throwing the magnet on release. I wasn't sure if that was an intended feature, but it helped nonetheless.

For things I might hope to see in the future, I would love to see an exploration of how you can build momentum to reach places. I've said how I love the physicality of the character and I would like to see that aspect be tested. I got quite excited to think that the 7th level seemed to involve flinging myself/the magnet onto the switch using the field, and while you can fling yourself it was a shame this wasn't part of the solution.

It would be nice to have the key remain in the level after beating it so that the level can be replayed, possibly in a greyed out form so it players don't think they can collect it again. This would definitely help the testing phase at least, as I have to quit and restart the game to replay the levels.

Finally, my biggest complaint is that it is very easy to softlock yourself on many levels. Falling into pits (e.g. the one with the button in level 7), locking yourself on the wrong side of the pushable barriers (e.g. in level 6, passing the barrier, travelling over it and landing behind it) and the magnet landing in an unreachable place (e.g. the flat ground behind the barrier in level 1) were some of the issues I faced. While this wasn't awful as the levels are short and quick to restart without losing any progress, and I think it is an acceptable design decision to demand planning instead of figuring out the puzzle through experimentation, if/when you start adding levels that are longer or require more complex execution this would quickly become very frustrating if not avoided.