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Really excellent game - great usage of art, music, and writing to create a somber atmosphere. I really like how you explored the concept of "rebirth", and how that plays into how you can alter yourself's character stats by being reborn at the end.

That was absolutely amazing. I love how meta your game is with making a game in Unity, it seems that great minds think alike :)! Though you definitely went harder with the visuals by making the 3D rotatable, interactable, and even not only changeable but also playable. Amazing stuff!

This game made me laugh so many times. Great intro, I LOVE the dating sim/visual novel emulation style, and I like how every single character has their own "theme" that sets the mood. The art was awesome, too. Great stuff!

Really loved the green text, black background, ascii art, and the sound - really made me feel like I was laboriously typing out things on an old computer from the 90s in some archive. Put me on edge until I was caught - and that was a good, sudden jump. Great stuff with setting tension and ratcheting things to a jumpscare.

Loved the computer black-and-green interface, very old-timey-esque. I also love the password coding, and having to type in the right password, that was good. Really enjoyed reading through the fun facts and I had a little chuckle at the "duck pate" section.

Loved the interface and the humor in this game - LeMew Hall made me laugh out loud for few good minutes. The depth of the options and the coverage of any shenanigans you can get up to in Davis was honestly so amazing and relatable. Awesome stuff.

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I couldn't get it to work on either fullscreen in browser or on the downloaded app. The best I got was that the text split into screens on either side but completely trailed offscreen. Might just be my computer, honestly.

Really good stuff. I liked the meta-ness of the squid in acknowledging the environment and how you dived into the deeper topics - an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Good work visually with the words being typed out as well.

Really great stuff. The religious imagery, the canvas text that appears in front of you as you walk that is timed, the ominous turning off and turning on and appearance of the text - all of it creates a great atmosphere! Awesome experience, really well crafted.

Short and sweet. Love the background, really appreciate the feeling of "entrapment" that the game has given you with only 1 correct option and other options looping into themselves over and over again.

Really enjoyed the mixing of 3D assets and animation with the text game itself, that was amazing! I really love the fact that you can become "equipped" with weapons and have the skeleton accompany you. Great work! 

The game's UI comes out really nicely, what with the automatically-typed text, the page itself, and the images and choices that show up on the screen. Definitely succeeded in generating a feeling of dread sitting at the screen watching the darkened window type out words asking if I wanted to continue exploring or attempt restore the failing communications with Earth.

Me too! I really enjoyed how hitting ANY key within the word being presented ends up creating the words, so the real game is in hitting the rhythm correctly. I wonder how that was timed, and I really enjoyed the mechanical complexity once the game got underway.

^ Seconded. I think that repeated runthroughs do add to more and more about the game, though I do think because it's randomly generated that things might get repetitive at some point because you get locked into some endings. Mechanically, I really liked the interactive clicking buttons - really adds that much more to the game.

I really liked the gumball machine's mechanics, where you can't actually hit the machine button until you've pressed R to add the coin in. Really helps with adding a bit more mechanical depth then just your typical "click button, thing happens" game. Really enjoyed the light and fluffy vibes that the game presents and the music + background was a wonderful touch.

Really love the stylistic visuals and how the game's text is typed out. I really enjoyed the font and design choices, as well as the timer and for everything else. The music was a great choice as well! Really great experience.

That was... a profoundly disturbing experience. I appreciated the game's choices, the randomness of the dice, and the disturbing dialogue of the universe as it commands a supposedly all-powerful player to make and unmake many lifeforms. The disturbing ambient music made things extra disturbing. The rock option - the ULTIMATE LIFEFORM - was my favorite. I also didn't expect the recursive option where you end up creating yourself.

I love the stylization of the game itself - in the cute, joyous music, the sound effects that play, the imagery, and the witty humor of the game itself. It all combines to make an excellent, fun, and enjoyable experience. I also appreciate how the page itself is stylized to follow the game's format, or vice versa!

I really appreciate the shortness of the experience and the humor present in the game. The game is short, sweet, and succinct - gets to the point quickly and enjoyably, along with a quick repeat experience for multiple runthroughs. Like LeUmbonoTheSecond, though, I do wonder about the key changes from screen to screen - do they serve some higher purpose, or is it just for fun?

The art is very nice, does really well to bring out that uncanny valley vibe. The fact that the game is an encounter with the titular naiad means that the facial expressions and changes make the conversation itself seem much more "real", adding strongly to the immersion. I love the way the dialogue options were written as well - fitting the mysterious atmosphere that the game has created.

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I really enjoyed the RPG aesthetic and stylizing of the game itself. The music, background art, and sounds all blend together wonderfully to create a masterful sense of immersion - and the fact that you can continually grind to challenge the game's boss makes it a very short, but intense and enjoyable experience. The game's attention to detail, masterful prose all come together wonderfully.