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A member registered Dec 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yea I got in Contact with them and they said they didn't even have the account anymore and isn't planning on doing anything with this game jam 

Thanks for the feedback I also made another game kinda like this called cakeyclicker which is way more advanced and has more functions if you want you can look at it on That was my Real First Game but I Stoped Development because I couldn't think of new features and I need To Transfer the Files to my new computer

This game was good I think that you should keep working on it seeing that you've already put it on the google play store it would be nice to see it on iOS devices to 

I think that this game was actually pretty good the mechanics easy but it told you a story Would recommend people to play

Fun Game But I Would recommend making less enemies spawn since you can only be one but you could also add a turret like object to make it better

Very Fun game Would love to see a full release  

Good game but for some reason in the web build the words for the Grant And Deny system won't show up

This was a Pretty good game There's only a few minor details that I think could be fixed like the optimization and just the overall pace of the game but its still a very good game