I think you have to lose against the tail. It's in the hallway near the boss, if I recall correctly.
Recent community posts
Very nice! I hope there are proper animations in the future, though.
Also, as a side note, I would not use CSM shadows in this situation. It would look better if you instead take the sprite's silhouette, and project that onto the ground (perhaps with a blur effect), that should both look better and increase performance.
These keyboard controls need some SERIOUS work. The way the character instantly snaps to a new direction when you turn looks very bad.
Also, you shouldn't use WASD and the mouse buttons if the mouse itself will not be used. My personal recommendation would be arrow keys for movement, Z for action, X for cancel, C for focus, and A and S for camera. A way to remap keys and/or mouselook would likely be the best solution, though.
And mouse, of course.
Not to be presumptuous, but I can't help but feel a bit condescended to for using a keyboard. Considering this is a PC exclusive, I feel like this isn't unreasonable. On top of that, It seems like half of the controls (movement, jumping, sprinting) can't be rebound? If I could set keys for looking left and right and reconfigure they controls for mouseless play, I bet I would be able to make do.
At least you have keyboard controls at all, unlike Trailblazers.
I played the demo on steam, and without hyperbole, these are the worst camera controls I have ever experienced in a video game.
I'm sorry, I know game development is hard, and I deeply respect the effort that must have gone into making this, but I simply cannot play this game in it's current state, and I can't help but wonder how the game got this far without this coming up as an issue.
However, I do understand this this is still not yet finished, and I will keep following the game in the hopes that this gets fixed in the future.