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TheNightC -- INC

A member registered Jul 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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yes its truly accidental madness 

What would you suggest

is it possible to update your game after you have already submitted it

Sorry its too hard everyone. i will try and fix it 

sorry it was my fault. i screwed the game mechanics when i decided to reduce the levels (that's why i added the escape button as a way of skiping to the next level).  i will try and fix it

it was a total accident i couldn't really fix. so i wanted to make it have ten levels but my PC went buuzz and decided to misbehave on the first 4 days. after which i started making the game. i had to work on it for a whole 3 days and instead of adding 10 levels (that where super easy at the start). i decided to only make 6 because of time (i noticed the game mechanics got screwed and there was no time to fix it so i left it that way). i will try and update the game before the voting period ends. Thanks for the comment

wow you really nailed it.

Have you thought of  a level where the player has to go under the sea/land to different depths that affect the light

till then we will keep on working the art and style of the game to fit the music

Hey we would love that