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A member registered Aug 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Getting Ori meets Pikman vibes from this. Really like the concept of giving/taking life here. I think there's a lot more you can do with this concept! RIP shark, and all the other homies I lost along the way.

A point of confusion I had was with the dialogue system - often I didn't clearly understand which character was speaking. Super bummed audio wasn't working for me, I can only imagine this shit shreds with some Ashley B. originals. Great work overall tho!

P.S. Getting the mushroom guy tattooed ASAP

Loved the economy of this game. Felt like I was constantly taking 1 step back, just to take 2 steps forward soon after. I think the puzzles were well designed, and I didn't get them all immediately. I think the difficulty and creativity of them all scaled perfectly as the game went along.

My one frustration I ran into regularly was the camera clipping into the walls in the foreground, but hey this is a jam and that's a fine concession to make. Great job everyone!

Love the look & vibe of this one, immediately reinforces why Unreal is the way to go for jams (imo). The level design in particular is a standout for me. The spaces feel cartoony, yet believable and walking around is a joy.

At first I was like "damn this is easy" then I'm getting down to the wire and I'm desperate for scrap. I had to start getting creative, sticking my nose in places I didn't think it could go. Anways, I got the plat. Great job guys

Love the atmosphere of this game. The scale of the distant mountains and objective towers make this game feel so expansive. I think the suction mechanic is great, and I love the idea of fighting thru the wilderness to power up generators.

I do wish I could move faster - I've never been more eager to get anywhere in my life I think. Amazing job on this, the scope & scale is impressive for a jam!

Love the atmosphere of this game. The scale of the distant mountains and objective towers make this game feel so expansive. I think the suction mechanic is great, and I love the idea of fighting thru the wilderness to power up generators.

I do wish I could move faster - I've never been more eager to get anywhere in my life I think.

Amazing job on this, the scope & scale is impressive for a jam!