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The Nervous Beehive

A member registered May 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing my game and leaving such a kind and helpful review! Since I made the game for a jam I don't plan to return to the project it was more for a bit of fun and a learning experience. However if I ever to return to the game I will definitely add the features you suggested. I wanted to add more during the jam but ultimately I ran out of time and could not add everything I had hoped to add.

As for your problem with the full breakfast I'm not sure exactly its been a while since I worked on the game but I do remember there being problems with a few recipes. 

Once again thanks for playing my game and leaving a review it means a lot :)

Nice! Loved the art style.

The game seemed like it was very interesting although I didn't have a clue how to play it. Some kind of tutorial would have been nice or even just a guide in the description. The art style and music were great! 

Loved the game! Would have loved if there was music and sound effects though. The pixel art was great. Also a better system for searching for items would be nice as sometimes I just want to browse through ingredients to see what's possible and don't want to search for something specific.

Great game! Love the idea, however I wish the recipes you cook didn't just raise stats but each had there own cool mechanics. The art, sound effects and music were all great.

A few bugs I found were: that the music didn't restart once it finished playing and full screen cut-off the top and bottom of the screen.

A tutorial would have been nice as it was hard to understand what everything done starting off. Also wish hovering over options in menu showed what they done as even though the icons were fine a small description would have helped.

All in all cool game though and cant wait to see were it goes.

Great game! Loved how you turned a typing game into a fun roguelike.

Great game! The art, music, sound effects and gameplay were great.

Loved the powerups they were all unique and added a lot to the gameplay. Not just your usual extra health or more damage powerups that have become the normal for endless shooters.

The main menu was very cool. The music was very fitting and having to break the buttons to select them.

One thing I would have liked was if the character was faster. Would have gave the player more control and made the game feel more fast paced. There might have been an unlock that allowed the player to become faster but I never came across it.

All in all great game for a weeks work. Keep up the hard work!

Great game! Not really sure what you plan to do with it but the core systems you have implemented are cool. The pixel art and sound effects are nice and polished. 

I liked the post processing you added however I would probably turn down the CRT shader slightly or maybe have an option that allows the player to choose whether they want it on or not.

Also wasn't sure exactly but it felt like walking diagonally was faster than walking in one direction. If you are using Godot (which I guess you are because of the loading screen) you can use the .normalized() function to make sure that what ever way you are walking the speed stays constant.

Not really sure where you plan to go with this project but ill drop a follow to see how it goes.

Thanks so much for playing and the high praise!

Thanks so much for playing the game and all the great feedback!

There was a very annoying bug that I couldn't manage to fix during the jam were the frying, boiling, chopping or merging items created 2 items and then that messed with your mouse and picking up and placing things. A few people have said that the error sound effect was annoying, that there was to much reading at the start and that the recipes should be in the guidebook so if I get time ill see what I can to do improve these. 

Hopefully after the jam ill get an update out soon. Thanks again for all the feedback.

Thanks for playing and for all the feedback! I wanted to add the recipes to the guidebook but ran out of time, so I ended up just putting them on the itch page. The cheeseburger sprite seems to be broken. Hopefully, if I get some free time after the jam, ill fix up the bugs and release an update. I'll see what I can do to try and lessen the amount of reading and maybe find a better sound for the error noise. Thanks again for playing and the follow.

Great tower defence game! Loved the idea of being able to move your character and use it to attack. 

Thanks for playing and all the feedback! Im no artist but I tried my best with the art so glad you enjoyed it.

Didnt get much time to actually do much playtesting. So a few bugs like the missing sprite on the cheeseburger could have been avoided if only I had left some more time to playtest.

I put all possible customer orders in a list and just picked a few at random when spawning a customer. Think I must have misspelled a few meals in that list so when I was comparing them to what was served the customer thought they got the wrong meal. 

Hopefully if I get some time ill release an updated build after the jam which fixes alot of the smaller bugs.

Thanks for playing! I had a list of recipes at the bottom of the itch page. Ya, due to a lack of time spend on testing some of the recipes were not working.

I agree jams are a great opportunity to make something and be creative, doesnt have to be a game.

Great game! Loved the chill and cosy vibes. Art and sounds were nice.

Great game! Really enjoyed the art, the music and the positive message.

Really cool game! Loved the character models and game mechanics were very interesting.

Wow great game! What you managed to achieve in such a short amount of time is great. The art was very nice and had lovely spring vibes, the menus were all very well done and game was also very polished for a jam game.

Great game loved the pixel art and spring vibes!

Nice FROG game!

Nice game! The art and music were great.

Cool game! Loved the pixel art. Would have been nice if the difficulty increased overtime and there was some music + sfx.

Great game! Loved the art and music.

Thanks for playing my game! 

I think what happens is sometimes a customer will ask for steak and chips. Then if you give them a steak and a chips separately on the plate, it doesn't count the same as steak and chips meal which you get for combining a steak and chips. 

Thinking back it probaly would have made more sense if you just had to place the different parts of a meal e.g. steak and chips on the plate instead of having to combine them.

Great game really liked the art and the intro!

Cool little farming game. Had great fun playing it! Art and music were nice. Loved the day night cycle added a lot to the game.

Loved the game! Great spin on the classic clicker/idle genre. As someone who's username is named after a beehive there was no way I wasn't going to like the game :)

Great game! Nice art and music. Not sure why but most jobs seem to be construction related. Love the idea and had great fun playing it.

(3 edits)

Oh sorry. Didn't even notice that for some reason the Windows version was checked as the HTML version and because of that you could not download it. Should be fixed now. Thanks for notifying me!

Great game! Loved both the pixel art and the music they gave the game a real cosy spring feel. A tutorial of some kind would have been nice. Also could have done with some sound effects although I see that is on your to do list. Really cool idea and if you get around to updating it, it could become a really fun soup making game. As someone who also made a cooking game for the jam I love to see how others designed their cooking games.

Great cosy bee platformer game! Loved the pixel art and music had a real retro feel to it. Also nice touch with the plants growing under your feet.

Really cool game! Loved the art style and music. One thing I would change was the shimmering on the grass as it was very distracting and also sometimes objects in the distance rendered strangely looked like they were blinking in and out of existence.

Great game. Loved the art and music! However a tutorial or even a popup to explain the game would have been nice.

cute duck game 10/10!

Lovely relaxing cosy game. Art and music were great!

Even though the game is far from finished what is there is quite fun if it was expanded further. The pulling mechanic is interesting and could make for a great puzzle/platformer. Shame you ran out of time as I think the idea is very interesting.

Great game! Loved the art style and the music. 

Would have been great if there was some kind of tutorial explaining what to do as I didn't even realize you could use the water to clean walls or move the little windmill until near the end. 

The achievements were really cool, great way to add some replay-ability to the game.

Nice game! Loved the art.