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A member registered Feb 20, 2022

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You are correct. I replaced the first L line in the data.txt with each time another xxx.txt level file. Most of the levels were showing cut of edges or a cactus in the water. 3 levels were totaly empty. 3 were completely unsolvable, and 2 were to simple. 

But I conclude with my congratulation with making such a nice game. I also played you other gem of a game Konkan Coast Pirate Solutions.


Thank you for you support


Thank you very much. In the game I downloaded here on there are indeed still 30 levels. And they are the same as the ones you provided the solutions for.

However when I look into the mis_data\levels directory I see 51 levels. So to me it shows as if 21 forgotten levels are still there to be discovered? I think the data.txt has something to do with it? Only 30 levels are mentioned in that file.

A real nice mindblowing game. But after 20 levels I get stuck. I keep staring at the levels Reflection, Backup Plan and Leverage. Everything fails. Do you have anywhere the solutions written down?

Great to see, that other people are also able to master the EgoVenture Template of the Godot Engine. Thank you for showing this to the world.

I myself have built a small trial Adventure for the family based on Wintermute. So I was planning to redo that job sometime with EgoVenture.

This game of you surely excourage me to continue with that plan.