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A member registered Jul 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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Yes, on our last Jam we had the same problem and people did not even clear 10% of the game (we went a bit hard on it, it required around 2 - 3h to finish lol) and got frustrated about it, so we decided to make more simple game for jam (and we still need to work about it).

Thank you ! Not really, we just fixed some bugs and made the end easier to find in a last build but that's about it ahah, we will move to the next jam (or next project ??)

One post jam comment, I feel like your ranking is really harsh, you were for me one of the best entry in this jam.

My guess is that having a lot of reading may not be the most suited mechanic in a Jam since people want to iterate fast between games and may discourage people to discover more of your game (even if the story is super cool, like yours, and your reading system by holding pages was not boring). Also, maybe people missed the hint option ?

Anyway, keep the good work for your next projects :)

Just finished your game, it's really cool, one of the entry I enjoyed the most in this Jam. Was a bit sad to see it ending so brutally but I can completely understand this knowing it's made in only 7 days. Honnestly I feel like your ranking was a bit harsh.

Anyway, I personally really enjoyed your game :)

Hey thanks for your review !

Yes, the lack of guidance gave to the player is one of the main criticisms we received, I've updated the game page to provide some hints on the main steps you have to do to reach the goal :)

Man, that's a very cool entry, the amount of work you have put into it is impressive (especially in solo !).

The game look good and the sounds are great. I would have loved if the end was a bit slower (like making you understand slowly that you're getting chased until reaching the inevitable end ) because it felt I died too quickly.

Anyway, its an overall very good entry :)

Hey thanks for this big feedback and for your stream replay, its really cool to get a live feedback of your game, I can clearly see and understand the problems you encountered with our game !


At first, the mistery behind the goal and the mechanics of the game was a choice from us to leave the player dishoriented between the 8 bit and the normal phase. But we may have went to hard with this, and since its a maze, I can totally inderstand how it can turn from mystery to frustration. We will make sure to make the goals more clear in our next games ahah.

If anyone want some instructions on what you need to do to get to the goal, here is what you're suposed to do in the game :


First you find the dagger, then you find the torch and then as you've said, the torch is supposed to help you to get througth the dark path, then you may end up finding the last power up (by following the blue torchs), a glitchy area that change your movement to a classic first person controller and give you the ability to go throught the holes in the walls. With this, you can get to the end of the game, where a cool plot await you. (Finding the end in the maze can get a bit hard, so I can give you a last hint, you may hear a new sound in this phase, which is highly spacialized toward the end).

We clearly went a bit too crazy with the difficulty, the eye can be fun when encountered alone but get unfair when they appair with other entities (especially because they make the closing of your eyes harder when you're already in trouble ahah). We need to work more on the balance of the mechanics, especially when they interact together for our next games.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback ! It was fun watching you reacting to our game :) 

Man this game look incredible, I want to know so bad how did you make this coloring effect, I guess it's some sort of ASCII, but how did you do this "persistence" effect, that only show relief when the player is moving. That's one of my best experience in this jam so far, the maze with the "keep watching" mechanic worked well on me.

Very very cool entry !

Very nice entry, I won't lie, it was one of the scariest I played so far haha

I had an issue with the mouse sensitivity, for some reason the setting won't apply until I restart the game, and the default sensitivity was too high for me ahah

Anyway, that was one of the best entry I played in the horror theme, congratulation

Very simple but cool concept, I liked the aesthetic but I would have loved to get more feedback on what's happening, like when I get hit or when I hit, so I can adapt my gameplay, because here I thought I was doing great then I died and the game told me I only killed 2 ennemies ahah

Anyway nice entry :)

Cool entry, I was impressed by the 3D model and its animation at the start.

Please add the WASD movement option the next time (you can have both WASD and arrow if you want) also you should spatialize more the sound of the phone.

My game closed after the phone call, was it the end ? Or I missed something ?

Anyway, nice entry :)

Nice aesthetics, I like the theme too, playing with space for horror is a nice idea !

Is there an end to the game ? I collected enough crystal so I couldn't fill up my batterie anymore but I did not found what to do next

Hey, I tried to launch the game but it got flagged as a virus and the download the interrupted :/

Nice attempt on the Horror Pet game !

I liked the aesthetic of the desktop, I would love to get more gameplay choice (I got an early ending a lot ahah)

Nice entry :)

It's a cool arcade game, I like the satisfaction of typing fast with the sound feed back, it feel great :)

On some points I noted, since you're using Godot, you should put stretch mode to "canvas_item" so the game will resize correctly when you put it in full screen mode.

Also the game is cool but felt too easy, or the difficulty don't grow fast enough, I ended up leaving myself, the music even had the time to end ahah (you should set it to loop)

Anyway this is still a nice fun entry

Cool retro / buggy esthetic, it work really well as an horror game :)

The mechanic is cool but I found it too easy to trick the game to never trigger the virus (like doing a fast double tap).

Also the last section before the end felt a bit clunky, I kept getting myself locked in the wall everytime I tried to traverse it. I finally ended to success but it felt a bit random ahah

But nice entry overall :)

Just finished the game, the effect at the end are really good ! Good job, really really cool entry

Its a nice attempt on the dungeon crawling genre, the aesthetic is great and the sound effects are well suited.

On the fighting part, I'm not sure if I'm really fan of the turned based RPG mechanic, since we're already on a grid based Dungeon Crawler, having the fighter happening in the dungeon itself would be more immersive and would less harm the rhythm of your game, and the fighting music is very cool but takes me out of the mood.

If you really want to keep the RPG mechanic, I recommend you to invest more on its integration into your game (maybe keep the same scene as your dungeon but lock the player and show the fight for example)

If you work on this part and find idea to extend your game, I'm sure you will be on the right track :)

(1 edit)

Sure, will do when I will be back from work :)

Spoiler on the Eye:

The eye lock your camera and force you to look at it, while lowering your sanity which also affect the overall environment, and you have to close your eyes (using F) to make it disapear 

I was thinking on having moving things when I click on them or when I hover items I can interact with and maybe some clicking effect and things like that :)

The textures are made by our artist Kryspou using "Substance Designer" from her words !

Nice entry on the card games, the mechanics of merging cards to cast spells is cool, nice sound effects too :)

I not sure about the mechanic of burning cards as the main enemy attack, I find it really frustrating and hard, I ended up drawing my whole deck and spaming the Justice card ahah

Nice entry on the card games, the mechanics of merging cards to cast spells is cool, nice sound effects too :)

I not sure about the mechanic of burning cards as the main enemy attack, I find it really frustrating and hard, I ended up drawing my whole deck and spaming the Justice card ahah

Nice attempt on card games, the aesthetic is good and the sound effects are good and well suited. I would have loved to have more visual effect in the background during the gameplay for breaking the monotony


and I would love to see more behind that wall :)

To be honest I'm not really the greatest fan of visual novels but I have to admit that the effort your made on the voice acting is super cool and make you stand out from typical visual novel in game jam, and I really like the art with the little moving / hand drawing shader that made me think of Omori

Cool entry :)

I may have missed something but the game was really short for me, I would recommend you to add more feedback to your interactions !

Anyway, keep going on making games :)

It was a really really cool experience, the overall atmosphere was so cool, with the visual and the sound, really liked it.

The doll and the chalice made me jump a little, I won't lie ahah

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it, I was at the end but was missing one item ? I could not place the book, maybe it was a bug or I was just missing one of the items, if you could give me an hint I would love to get the end of the game :)

Hello, just to clarify that we made a second build (v1.0) which just fix a bug where you could get Soft-Locked at the beginning of the game, enjoy :)

You could tell me more about it on my discord, it's "magnat." ;)

Ahah no problems

I worked on it myself, it took around 1 day to get the first states working (it's a state machine behind it), then we refined it during the whole jam

Not sure to understand your question

Interesting entry,  the sound environment is really great and add a lot to the experience, unfortunately I got stuck really fast, maybe you should give a bit more indications on how to progress ?

Very nice game ! I like the way you handled the mix of elements, I'm sure you have a well managed code behind this :)

That's a really interesting idea ! Even if you over scoped, I think the next time you should focus on giving more feedback to your player (like when he get hit or when he hit). It was really hard for me to understand if I was fighting correctly ahah

Hello ! We finally submitted our game in time !

Unfortunately, we stepped on bug with the Godot (4.3 RC 1) export and couldn't upload the Forward+ version of the game in time.

The Web export use the Compatibility mode of Godot, which still have a lot of problems with the shadows rendering (and our game is based on it...)

If you forgive us for this little overtime, please give a try to the Forward+ version of the game on Windows, which don't have any shadow bug and will be a way more pleasant experience !

Here is the Github release link :

Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy our Game,

Thanks !

Hello ! We finally submitted our game in time !

Unfortunately, we stepped on bug with the Godot (4.3 RC 1) export and couldn't upload the foarward + version of the game in time.

The Web export use the Compatibility mode of Godot, which still have a lot of problems with the shadows rendering (and our game is based on it...)

If you forgive us for this little overtime, please give a try to the Forward + version of the game on Windows, which don't have any shadow bug and will be a way more pleasant experience !

Here is the Github release link :

Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy our Game,

Thanks !