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A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Havin' a real good time with this one so far~!

Right as I found myself sayin' I didn't feel too scared, things started jumpin' out at me and gettin' real spooky! Can't wait to see more of it, and glad I got the chance to try what's here so far! :D

I really enjoyed this one~!! I definitely downloaded the version pre-neutral ending, so I'll have to download the latest version and take another crack at it! 😂

Amazing~! I'll send ya a link when it goes up later today! :)

Hey, there~! I'm LUIGINATOR, and I was wondering if it'd be cool with you if I do a video on this game! It seems really interesting! I know a few people have done one already, but I always like to ask first, just to be safe!

Here's a link to my channel, if ya'd like to get a feel for what the tone of the video'll likely be!

(2 edits)

I thought this game had a lotta good stuff goin' on...but I also got stuck at a certain point after this video ended and couldn't continue! Not really sure if I missed something or if the game just broke! After I turn the generator back on, nothing happens! :(

Eyy, awesome~! Thanks a bundle!! I'll post the video here when it goes up next week! :)

Hey, there~! I'm LUIGINATOR, and I run a small YouTube channel where I do game things!

I think this looks real neat, and I'd love to play it on my channel~! Would you be okay with me making a video on it? Here's a link to my channel, so you can get an idea of what the video would likely be like!

Hey, there~! I'm LUIGINATOR, and I've got a small YouTube channel where I do games and also things that aren't games sometimes!

This looks really cool, and I was wondering if you guys would let me do a video on it? Here's a link to my channel, to give you an idea of the style of the video!

(1 edit)
This game was really good, and you should be proud of what you've created here! Also, kudos to you for sticking to the theme of the game jam in a way that really thinks outside the box of what the category defined!

No thanks necessary - I really did have a blast~! Even though, ya know, I got jump scared and screamed like a little baby! Lolol

(1 edit)

Atmosphere? 10/10~!

Scares? Scary~!

Visuals? Veeeery good~!

Story? It's...there! This is my only real critique. Ends way too soon, goes by way too fast! I wanted so much more of this~!! Do let me know when you've got more, yeah? I followed ya to make sure I don't miss out!!

Awesome sauce - love to hear that~! It'll be up this Monday (1/25/2021), and I'll link it back here in another comment when I come back to rate your game! :D

Hey there, James~!

I'm LUIGINATOR and I run a small gaming YouTube channel! I really like the look of your game, and I'd love to play it~! I always ask before playing a game from an indie dev - just seems like the polite thing to do! What if they don't want it shown off yet, ya know?

Would it be alright if I play your game for my channel? Here's a link, if ya wanna see the overall tone of what the video'll probably be like!

Hope to hear from you soon~!

Is it weird to say that this game is both cute and unsettling? I don't think I recall something being described as that to me in recent memory, so this may be the first piece of media that I've personally experienced that I can describe as such! Kissa has this odd, cute charm to it - something that really does make it feel like an old school retro game - that seems to mask this unending sense of dread. It's as though the game is haunted by some sort of unnerving force, beckoning you to continue playing while simultaneously putting you at unease. Kultisti, you did a real good job with this one, and it makes me excited to see more from you in the future - even if those games don't game with a built-in Vienna sausage kitty!

It's hard for me to describe this game without spoiling it, so I won't go into the story or the gameplay too terribly much! Spoiler-free, though, gameplay is really enjoyable - smooth and responsive, like any good retro-inspired game should be!

TYA was more emotional than I really expected it to be, and I really enjoyed that! The way that the game deals with time is also extremely interesting, something that I'd love to see implemented in other games! Visually it's stunning, and the little secrets to find were really cute~!

All-in-all, you should play this game. It's a one-and-done game and you'll have a great time with it! Kudos to ANV - this one's a gem~!


Hey there, Kultisti~! LUIGINATOR here! I'm a small YouTube channel, and I was wondering if I could make a video on your game for my channel! I always like to ask permission first!

Here's my channel, if you wanna take a look at what the style of the video is likely to be like before deciding!

Yoooo, what~?? Love that, thanks so much~!! I believe my email is linked in my YT page, but if you need me to send it to you guys, let me know, for sure!

Hey, Katelyst~!

I know it feels like ages ago now, but I saved your game's video for October because spooky season! Here's a link to it, since y'all asked for one last time! :)

Awesome sauce~! Thanks a bundle - I'll letcha know here when it's finished! :)

Hey, there~! I'm LUIGINATOR, and I run a small YouTube channel! I love the look of your game, and I'd love to do a video on it! I always ask permission first out of respect to the devs, so would it be alright with you if I do that?

Here's a link to my channel, to give you an idea of what the video will likely be like!

Haha No worries; life do be happenin'! I'd still love to~! I'll letcha know when the video is completed! :)

Wonderful~! I'll be sure to let you guys know soon as it's all done! :D

Holy crap...I just watched the trailer for your game and I'm chilled and excited - it looks amazing~!! Could I do a video of it for my channel?? I always ask before just barreling ahead with a video! Here's a link to my channel so you can see what the video'll be like!

Hey, there~! I'm LUIGINATOR, and I run a small YouTube channel! I think your game looks interesting, and I'd love to do a video on it, but I always like to ask permission first to make sure the creator's cool with it! So, with that said, could I do a video of your game for my channel?

Here's a link to my channel so you have an idea what the video'll be like/how your game will be represented!

Hey, there~! I'm back, and I finished the video! Thanks again for giving me permission to take 'er for a spin - I had a lotta fun playing, despite some hiccups along the way! :)

Awesome sauce~! I'll letcha know when it's done! :)

Hey, there~! Sorry, I don't have another way of contacting you, but I was wondering if I could do a YouTube video on your game? I wanted to ask before just goin' at it! Here's my channel, if ya wanna check it out before deciding!