thank you for telling your story despite such difficult circumstances. your dedication to providing us with such an incredible work of art is admirable
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I couldnt find what you were looking for but there were no error notifiications during gameplay at least. the animations, textboxs an dialogue simply slow down to the point theyre basically as low as 3-5 frames a second. I played it a few times to be sure and this ONLY occurs after the scene where the Box is reavealed to be hanging on the fence. the animations up until that point with the menu animation and everything else that follows animated fine until that point though
This VN had an absolutely exquisite opening act. Plenty of intrigue and the MC's struggles with attempting to re enter and repair his relationships only to be met with hardships and change he cant deal with is a struggle that resonates with me deeply on a personal and think is a very important thing to be writing about.
In life we dont get just one happy ending. And we must always fight and do our best to obtain it. A little trip and a fall is nothing to be ashamed of no matter how devistating it may feel
Dont take my critisim too harshly, I dont know where the story will develop so I'm only giving my very surface level thoughts after a single playthrough. what you've created here is still super impressive in terms of conception and excecution.
Were you at all inspired by the use of the Chinese room argument in Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward by any chance?
Just played this game for the first time yesterday. It was a really enjoyable read and the premise is fantastic!
having the Chinese room argument be the central focus of the main character's turmoil and the central theme of the game was a fantasic idea
I think the cast is a little too large however. the most interesting parts are exploring the MCs relationship with his family, his reactions and struggles as an android and the internal and external politics of the company that made him.
despite my gripes i still had a blast keep up the amazing work
i gotta say. i absolutely adore this whole thing, the story looks fantastical and Asterion has a lovely character.
but my one complaint is that i feel his transformation from scrawny caretaker to beefcake was a bit too sudden. would have been nice to see his body reach that point as a reward for nuturing him more i guess.
hope my critisim was constructive! keep up the fantastic work