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A member registered Apr 27, 2020

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If you don't mind me expounding upon why I adore those transitions, I'd love to just rant about it real quick!

I feel that this game is one that's shaping up to really get in the head of the player and have them draw their own conclusions about the characters, the world and everything that's going on around them, as well as the choices you've made. The best part about this style of yours is that two people can play the game and interpret everything in completely different ways, and when you invite the player to think critically about things, they can draw conclusions to make the game more enjoyable for themselves. 

Bringing this back to the transitions, the first thing I realized when watching this video was that the questions first present themselves to you before they then fade out and appear at the top of the screen inside the menu. This lead me to kind of take the idea of "truly think about what's happening" and apply it here. Is the prompt asking me, the player, what my name is? What I look like? How I'm feeling? Or is it simply giving me a push to do something as simply as naming my character. Is it asking the character directly? Why would it ask the character those questions? It legitimately gave me chills, and its a screen transition. I know I'm probably just sinking my teeth into things that realistically shouldn't have much meaning, but that's exactly what I'm talking about. This game makes me want to find meaning. I don't think I've ever really said it, but I'm actually so incredibly intrigued by and invested in this project of yours. Everything from the art, to the world-building, to the inevitable LORE; I'm so excited to be a part of watching your ideas develop. I'm normally the kind of person to just consume a game and never really dig into things all that much, but this one is so special that I can't help but feel pulled into it.

I apologize for the long post here, but every time there's a new devlog, I get so many joyful jitters that I just needed to talk more about this. I'm so incredibly happy and proud that you've gotten this far and I can't wait to see everything that comes next. Keep up the phenomenal work, Bennett, and I'll sit ringside supporting you. <3

Wasn't expecting a character customization option, but that's really neat to see! Definitely see how it can lead to the player really investing themselves into the decisions they're making for the world. Also, I really liked the little transition screens before getting to their respective menus, and that final "How are you feeling?" screen cutting straight to gameplay is phenomenal. Thank you for the devlog, benevolent game developer, and keep up the good work :D

So much new stuff! Seeing everything laid out in one place really lets it sink in how big this game already is!! You already know I'm gonna be scrounging for every last piece of lore in this game, so I'm gonna be LIVING in that news station for a bit. Really like the idea with hiding the secondary mood from the player, too. Fits incredibly well thematically with the idea of self-introspection. And OH MAN, you got me hooked when you brought up pacts. Can't wait to see what you come up with for those! Art's still looking mighty fine and I'm itching to see the whole place all grimed up. Thank you for the devlog :D

really nice to see progress, even if it does seem small! dialogue boxes and the inventory system will linger around the player the entire game, so getting them the way you want them early'll be a load off your shoulders! can't wait to see all my scissors in the next release!

great work as always :D