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A member registered Jul 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Look forward to more of this! Interesting concept and very well made.

Hilarious game that got me pretty good a couple times LOL!

Short and has lots of potential but great game nonetheless. I had loads of fun playing.

This game is hilarious 😂 I had a great time

Short but really immersive experience. I had a lot of fun lol.

Broo.. GREAT GAME! A lot of good spooks and funny moments. Such subtle things really had me jumping LOL!

Short, but really fun game!

Cool experience with some fun scary moments

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My final installment of the demo (Might go back and try out the extra content tee hee!). Looking forward to the full game release! Definitely going to play the whole thing on my channel :)!

Check out my episode of Night 3!

Great pacing. I was very creeped out the whole time and on edge. I never knew what was coming next! I might've missed a few letters though because they are easy to not notice XP!

Woah! I didn't finish it in this episode, but oh boy am I excited to finish this demo and then to be hyped about the full game! 

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Very creepy game! I think I am a bit stoopid cause I didn't where to go or what to do. It was probably obvious tho XD!

Heya I played your game for the channel. Very SpOoPy! 0.0

Hello :3 nice game! Much spoop, lil sanity.

Great game, it's a huge fear of mine being stalked by someone. However, I couldn't finish recording a video on it because the music was obnoxiously louder than the game audio. Could barely hear the creepy environment or the foot steps following me. Ruined the experience a little. 

Would love to make a video on the game if there was an option to change music volume or if it was toned down a bit! :)

Currently playing through this. Here is episode 2!

I also did something a little special with the basketball goal 😏

Such a great experience! Forgot to share my playthrough of it but here it is:

Great game btw x)!

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This game created an amazing scary and creepy atmosphere. It also a very real thing that can happen... That's why it scared me more than any other game so far Super great! Check out my gameplay of it:

Poopy game sPoOkEd Me

Demon baby is spoopy :O 

Spoopy pizza game

Hey! I played your game on the channel. Check it out:

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Played your game in a 3 scary games video! Very fun and truly spoopy XD (rip plankton)... Check it out: 

Hey! I played your game on my channel. One of the endings I found on accident XD!

 Check it out:

Hey I played your game on my channel! Check it out: