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The Game Fox

A member registered Dec 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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This game blew me away. I hope that you keep on creating! You've got a knack for this and I'm excited to see what you make next :D Thanks for such a great experience!
I played this on stream with my community for an indie showcase day, so there's some extra jumpscares ^^;;

I just played the demo for a stream and OMG this was much more involved than I thought it would be! I'm really looking forward to the full release :D

This was such a lovely little game and SO charming. I absolutely loved it. There were a few little bugs I encountered while playing, which I've noted in my Let's Play, but nothing game breaking. Overall the mechanics are solid, fun, and easy to play with. There's just enough challenge to make it engaging while also making it a good experience for players who like a simpler game. Thank you so much for such a great game!

Hey there! I can't tell you how fascinating I found this demo. Although short, it carries a lot of weight with it and it is definitely something I would love to see more of! It has such a unique take on exploration sims and the like and the use of your personal photography in it really reached out to me.
I hope you don't mind but I did a let's play of the demo. Thank you so much for such an amazing little experience and I'm really excited to see if more comes from this <3

Hey there! Hope you don't mind but I found your charming game and made a let's play of it :D I didn't manage to get to the end of it xD But I'd love to give it another go. I really like the style and think it has a lot of potential. Thanks for making such a fun experience!

I had a lot more fun than i thought i would with this game! Its gives some hints of the first chapter of Inscryptions play style while incorporating a fun set of mechnics. :D would definitely love to see more if you ever decide to expand on this.

I had more fun than is reasonable while playing this game. I don't know what it was about it, but I had an absolute blast. Its a fun concept and I would definitely love to see more come out of this! I hope you don't mind but I made a let's play of you game. Hopefully it can be helpful in some way. :)

I'm glad you liked the thumbnail! I  was a little nervous on how it would come out lol But yes! I  really enjoyed it over all and I can't wait to see the follow-up! :D

I absolutely loved this game! I could love to see a larger game where this world is expanded upon somehow. Overall the gameplay was smooth, enjoyable, not too challenging, but still engaging enough to keep my focus. I feel that maybe the enemies could have been a little more difficult? At least to make the health and energy a little more worth collecting. I also hope I managed to find all the Kingly Secrets lol I hope you don't mind but I made a let's play of your game. I can't wait to see what else you make!

This made me laugh so much more than I thought it would. The style is very charming and I can't wait to see if you make more of it! I did notice that the "eat" "dance" and "throw" actions were useable even when not next to an object? Unsure if that was by design. I hope you don't mind but I made a small let's play of your game. :) 

(1 edit)

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game. Its got a retro quality to it that I really admire and is difficult enough to make it challenging but simple enough that you don't get frustrated too quickly.   I made a Let's Play of my experience which better explains my take on the game as a whole. Really enjoyed it! =D

I had a lot of fun playing your game! I love the style. It reminds me of playing games on the Gameboy Color! I hope you don't mind, but I made a short Let's Play of my experience with it. :D Good luck with the game jam!

I had a blast playing this game. I haven't gotten through all of it yet but I definitely intend to. Its really fun to see a puzzle game that uses environment manipulation like this. Definitely worth playing!
I hope you don't mind but I made a Let's Play video of your game. :D

I'm excited to try this game! About how long is it to play?

This was such a simple little game, but a solid concept and a really fun way of showing off resource management. Love the art style too!

I hope you don't mind but I made a short Let's Play of your game. Thanks for making such a fun game =D

This is probably one of the most unique puzzle games I've played. I really enjoyed how much it makes you have to rethink the basic gamer rule of WASD to move. Such a simple concept executed to wonderfully. I look forward to the potential for more in the future. :D

I hope you don't mind but I made a let's play of your game. Thanks for making such a fun game!

I absolutely loved playing this demo despite not having a co-op friend to play it with. The lone wolf setting is fun by itself and really lends well to working your mind a little more. The style of the game looks straight out of a comic and I love that! The characters are charming and over all its a really solid game. I can't wait to see more :D

I hope you don't mind but I made a lets playbof the demo. Thanks for making such an enjoyable experience :D

I had an absolute blast playing this game. Probably one of my favorite games I've played on just for the sheer nonsense of it. lol 
I hope you don't mind but I've done a Let's Play of your game. If you ever add more features or even just have little tweaks to the game, I'll be super excited to check them out =D

Hey there! My friend and I had an awesome time trying out your game. There were a few things that were unclear about how the enemies worked, but overall we loved the concept and it REALLY freaked us out! In the future, if you continue to work on this, if you had a start menu where you can increase the game volume and choose a mic, that would be awesome. :D

I had such a blast with this game. I was laughing the whole time I played it! The graphics lend well to this style of gameplay and the overall concept was spot on for a light hearted little adventure. I really hope to see more =D Thanks for all the laughs!

I had such a blast with your game. The puzzles are fun and the overall set up is very engaging. Thanks for such a wonderful experience!

I am so excited to see more of this game. Your development style and types of games are amazing. Thanks for the wonderful experience:D

This was such a fun little game and it really had a great sense of nostalgia to it. Thanks for the laughs and the fun!

My friend and I had an absolute BLAST playing your game! This was absolutely amazing. =D there was so much dialogue and each time you talked to the characters there was something new. I would love to see maybe an indicator for "new topics" or something to show what all you need to talk to a character about, but that's just a minor mechanic that didn't effect the overall experience. Thank for such an amazing game =D

And here is the trilling conclusion! Icarus and I loved this game so much and hope to maybe even see future episodes =D

It was such a blast to play! Keep up the awesome work =D

Part 2 =)

Hey there! My friend and I were looking for fun games to play together for some videos and we found Detective Chirpums in a bundle with another game. We were very excited to find a story based point and click we could have some fun with.

The game itself plays very nicely and the graphics and character are are phenomenal. We only noticed a few things that made it a little difficult for us; the text was a bit small for the size of the text box there is to utilize and I would live to see the color of the text change depending on who is speaking. I liked the fact that the music was used sparingly throughout the game, but I did find the total silence a little deafening during other parts, Perhaps some white background city sounds could be added in a future patch? Overall though, these things did not dampen our absolute LOVE for this game! We are making a short series on YouTube with this. I hope you don't mind. =) Parts 2 and 3 will be up in the near future.

Hey there! I had such a fun time playing your game. =D I see there are a lot of let's plays on this game already, so I hope you don't mind one more. ^^;; 

This game had fantastic simple mechanics and the lack of a slide at the end of the marshmallow's jump added to the difficulty because too often in platformers are you forced to compensate for it. I also really enjoyed the whimsy of the whole environment. If you ever continue to do work on this or develop it into something bigger, I would love to play it again! More levels, new ingredients, and the like would be so much fun to play! Thanks for the awesome times =D

I'm really glad you enjoyed the video. I'm still working on trying to beat the game x3

My friend and I saw this and couldn't help but try it out! We had so much fun playing it and couldn't stop laughing. Hope you dint mind but we made a let's play. Thanks for the laughs man!

Hey there! I hope you don't mind but I made a let's play of my time in your game. I absolutely loved it! I am very excited to see what more comes of it in the future. =3 I had so much fun editing this video and it  was the perfect game for a little high energy commentary. I did end up playing til the final ending and was very surprised. ^^ I hope you have a wonderful day!

Hey there! I wanted to say a quick thank you for making such an awesome game! The mechanics worked really well and my friend Icarus and I couldn't think of any really critiques for the game. If you ever decide to go forward with this game in the future, I would like to see maybe unlockables or even an online mode. This was awesome! 

I was really impressed with your game. And I'll tell you what, it was a lot more challenging than I had initially thought it would be lol Great job and I hope to see more from you soon! =) Thanks for the fun!

Hey there!! My friend and I had an absolute blast playing your game. The concept is great and it runs really smoothly (once you figure out what you're doing lol). I hope you don't mind but we made a let's play of the multiplayer. Thank you for such a charming game =)

We are so happy you enjoyed the video! :D We would love to play the game in its full release. :3 It was such a fun game. We wish you the best in the development!