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A member registered Dec 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Meeting wild Kestral was literally just Squidward yelling "OH NO HE'S HOT!!" and I have a feeling he's powerful or important and he's gonna do something at the parley...

I love this, love how real and grounded everything feels. I love my boy Travis and how desperate he was to get to the MC, the third person parts where you can glimpse into the character's brain? I love it. Although the ending of chapter two has me stressed and confused and stressed because I'm confused-

Loved Viatica (beautiful beautiful beautiful game I still think about it all the time) and now I'm loving this to! The magic system is magnifico, I was so sad during the dance since I knew what was to come. And Tellus and his little crush???? SOBBING. I am so excited for more, you do great work 🫶

Man I feel bad for my MC, he's so entirely broken and really needs someone to hold him and let him cry. Of course he won't allow that at the moment but nevertheless!

This is mean, you're being mean. How can I possibly pick between the ROs? Zahn is the only one I am sure I want as a purely platonic buddy (who I will protect with my life) and everyone else is pulling at my heart strings and it's not fair–

Binary represents data, and you can translate sets of ones and zeros into letters. For example "01001000" is the letter H so the word hey would be written as "01001000 01100101 01111001" with spaces separating letters. You could manually translate it but I'd recommend just using an online translator.

That first string of binary saying "io r u there" !!!! You clever clever bastard-

Right now the demo leaves with Wyatt saying the two will go to Larkin, but unless I'm crazy I remember playing another chapter before? One where we go to the town and Wyatt reveals we are the preacher not him (little asshole I hate Wyatt with a burning passion) and we meet the doctor and look around the church and other townspeople interaction.

I crave more Lorcan

Read it all in a few hours. Sobbing, crying, throwing up this is so amazing. I love all the characters and the worldbuilding is fantastic!!! Fawn and Bison make my heart ache. My character took the role of leader or "pathfinder" and listening to him rally the Circle and formulate a plan was genuinely inspiring. I am so eagerly awaiting the next installment!

Just wanted to let you know (I may also send this in on Tumblr so if you see a repeat of the issue it may be me) but during the festival the guardian who is battling switches often. My normal gameplay would have Sonia as the fighter and Callen as the escort but during certain paragraphs that switches around or Callen will be given she/her pronouns. I think this may be messing with the relationship stat to? My Sonia relationship went from 77 to 64 (the same as Callen) during the festival when I've chosen all positive interactions.

Double Snake, although I was debating with a Lion primary

Ah man, Farah will not recover from this. I am not very patient around kids nor do I like them any so that probably influences this opinion, but boy oh boy I'd be so pissed. I definitely understand why she did it; she's young, spoiled in a way MC and Nour weren't, confused, and going through her own troubles but Christ I would just force the girl out instead of listening to her whine.


This is the family I wish I had, reading scenes with Da or Pa healed a little piece of my soul. I do find it funny that I named my MC Ravi because I found it more fitting for him than the full name so when Oswin accidentally said Ravi it was just his name- XD

Florian and Julian have my heart while E is breaking my soul-

I kinda love Vinh and Arthur although he is who I suspect as a killer the most lmao

I kill everyone and everything that they love

It's so simple but impactful

I haven't read through this yet but seeing that Evelyn is from Minnesota sent an arrow of cold shock into my heart. Born and raised Minnesotan and no one ever mentions us! Idk I found it funny-


Guhhhh, I love this so much. I am determined to melt Galahad's heart, get close to Arthur, and shun Morgana- my three life goals

This story is gonna hurt me isn't it? T-T

I should just be the ruler at this point my MC is literally doing everything lol

Can shoot the idiot man-child, 10/10 would recommend

I am so hella excited

I'm a little bit empty inside now that I've finally finished this...

Goddamn~ Guinevere has got it going on, Arthur and Morgana. Arthur is about to be snatched-

But seriously I'm really excited for this twist to the tale.

Happy new year, hope everyone has a great year. I'm excited for my boy Baxter and will mostly patiently await his arrival!

Toz has my heart

Holy fuck

Wait a minute here- we can kill Rohan?

I can already simp-

(2 edits)

Xelef is out here breaking my heart and I'm not okay with it, he's literally breaking me rn I sob


Seriously I was not ready for him to leave-

If someone would be a dear and tell me if this is avoidable, or how to get off of instability plz I'd appreciate it

I keep reading Castelon as "Castleton" and it is hilarious

From what I've seen on their Tumblr it isn't dead, last thing they were doing was looking for beta testers although this was a while ago.

When meeting Ash I forgot I inputted my name already so when it said my name, I was endlessly surprised

Now I don't know how well I'll be able to help long run, but here is some stuff to help with the current two items. And I don't the specifics of this and am a noob in coding as well, but here is some helpful stuff.


  - Twine media (

  - Document1 (

Customized Menus:



  - A Total Beginner’s Guide to Twine 2.1 – Adam Hammond

Not me wanting to romance Gavin and naming my dog after alcohol