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A member registered Dec 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you for enjoying the game! I'm glad you liked it so much!

Thank you!

Yay, I love tower defenses! it plays well and I like the resizing of the towers. it makes you strategize and think about every placement you make.

The only thing is I didn't realize I could resize the towers until the middle of the game when I clicked on one of them, maybe put that in the tutorial screen, it's a really fun mechanic.

Honestly? I don't know why I put him there lol. But thanks for playing, I'm glad you had fun! I really tried to do something original with the theme.

Hey, thanks! And yeah, originally there was supposed to be a longer tutorial at the start when you go to the timelines but I scrapped it because I though the player would get bored of reading. I guess I should have kept it. Thanks for playing anyway!

That means there is probably a missing file on your PC or something. The game comes with everything it needs to run. Maybe try reinstalling it.

Hey, thank you! And yes, hitboxes are one of my weaker points. Thanks for playing though, I appreciate it!

I am sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what problems you were having so maybe I can tell you how to run it?