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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hope you enjoy it!

no worries at all. Thank you. 

(1 edit)

Game looks great! Just to let you know, the pages  in the spreads are wrong - the ruleset zine pdf. When printed booklet, page 19 and 10 are mixed up. Can we get non-spread single page PDF for printing booklets?  Or can  you fix the spreads? When printed and folded booklet style, page 9 is followed by 19, and then page 18 is followed by 10. This is in the main book. Everything else is right. Thanks!

I like the clean layout. Nicely done.

This looks cool! I'm sure it'll be a hit at The Dungeon Dive. :)

Hello! I just got the physical book. From where can I download the plays sheets? Thank you!

oh cool! I guess I was expecting a different kind of announcement. Lol. Missed it. Thanks! Glad to have supported the game. 

(1 edit)

When do we get our codes for order the physical copy if we pre-ordered? I ordered mine ~80 days ago, and I see that Geek Gamers already got hers for her channel! Thanks! Can't wait to get this on the Dungeon Dive!


I backed this game on KS. Are there character sheets for this?

thank you!

I did not! I will check those, thanks!

Hi there! I wanted to check in on the development of this. Things are still progressing to v1.0?

This looks really cool! I'd love to have it just as a  PDF laid out like a zine so I can print a full sized version, and not a pocket zine that requires cutting!

This looks cool! If I have something interesting to say about it, I'll make a video on the Dungeon Dive YT channel.

My pleasure!

Looks really interesting.

Review for Little Town is up on the Dungeon Dive!

I am definitely interested in this, especially since it supports solo play.

This looks cool! I'll be taking a look at this on the Dungeon Dive some time in the near future.

Arts Cow or Printer Studio. Or you can now buy a printed set from The Game Crafter.

This is cool!

Same here!

Really looking forward to this!

People should be buying this game. It's worth the $10, and more.

Looking forward to checking this out!

Taking a look here...

This is a  cool little game, with some great narrative hooks. Reviewed recently at the Dungeon Dive.

It's pretty easy to print and make your own! 

By the way, I'm going to buy and gift a few copies of this for some lucky Dungeon Dive patrons. :)

This is great! I'll definitely be featuring this on the Dungeon Dive! I tried emailing you earlier this year to see if you'd be interested in joining me over zoom for a chat! I know my viewers would LOVE this discussion! Let me know, and THANK YOU for all of your great work.

I won't. :)