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A member registered Feb 13, 2019

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I love it :D

I really enjoyed playing this (:

I really love the style of your game (:

Steam Update now on my channel :D I love supporting people from! Everyone just loves to complain!

Great game (:

I really enjoyed the vaporwave vibe (:

I really enjoyed playing your game. I played it once already but that was before I started my Youtube. I'm glad I can also share this game with others now (:

This game made me feel like a kid again but also like an adult discovering something new and really cool at the same time. I am really glad I came across your game and got the chance to play it/post it (:

I played your game and posted it on my Youtube! (: I really enjoyed playing, ending #2 had me confused, that's the ending I got first. I kinda chuckled, it's not bad, I just didn't see it coming! Great game (:

I really enjoyed playing Killer At The Shop (:

I really enjoyed playing your game. I thought the style of it was unique, I also liked how it kept getting darker and darker.

I enjoyed playing this so much I recorded it and posting it on my Youtube (:



It's great!! It had me guessing all sorts of things and for it being so short, I think that alone makes it worth playing. I love short horror games, especially ones that don't do big jumpscares because of my anxiety disorder... I'm really glad I got on yesterday because the game is front and center for me to check out! You did a great job and I look forward to seeing what else you make (:

Hi! (: I played your game along with another short horror game and posted it on Youtube. I love it!

Hi (: I played your game along with another short horror game and posted it to Youtube. They were both about the same thing pretty much and I had no idea! Great game! (:

TabbyKatGaming here: I played your game and won my first play through! Second round went on for a while though haha!

Great short horror game!

I really enjoyed playing your game! Not only did it give me that feeling of playing an old game from childhood, but as creepy as it was, it's surprisingly peaceful! I'm excited to see what comes next.

That's really cool, I could see myself chillin here forever. Great work!

I played your game and posted it on my Youtube along with another itchio game. Your game is very beautiful, although I don't think I let it finish because I wasn't sure and just ended the video but I still enjoyed it very much!

I played your game and posted it on my Youtube along with another itchio game. I really enjoyed playing Broadcast. Call me crazy but I found it peaceful walking around an empty office.. Very beautiful and fun to play game.

I played The Pizza in my latest Youtube video! It is short but scary! Not sure why I had a tough time finding the movie, I laughed at myself once I did find it. Great game!

I played your game in my latest Youtube video along with 2 other games. I really love the art style. It's short but in that amount of time I had already gotten comfortable with the surroundings and cozy-ness of the scene. Great game!

I included your game in my new Youtube video! I like how simple and short it is, that feeling of someone or something being behind you is always a creepy one.. Good way to play on that fear! Wonderful game (:

I played a little bit of the Halloween update, I LOVE IT!! I cannot wait for the game to be finished (:

I played and posted your game, Hereafter. It was very sad and scary, but I enjoyed playing it!

I really enjoyed playing your game!

I played Doislingo along with another itchio horror game and posted it on my YT channel! I am currently learning Japanese on Duolingo and thought it would be really funny to play/post it!

I played your game and posted it on my YT channel. I really liked the concept of this, the creatures are so unusual that it had me scratching my head and asking how someone came up with them! I also love the patterns included and the textures on everything!

This game is great!

Hello! I posted this on my YT channel (:

This is a wonderful and spooky game, great to play it around spooky season! (:

Hey there! I played your game and posted it on my Youtube channel! I really like this game because I love the idea of walking in the woods and I love night time but I don't like mixing those things together... Just creeps me out! I'm only playing horror games for October and I'm glad that I came across your game!

I really enjoyed playing Undercurrent! It scared me for sure! Posting this on my YT and IG (:

This was so much fun! What a creepy experience!

Great game, it really got me!

I played your beautiful game and posted it on my Youtube channel! My favorite color is blue so the picture captured my attention instantly. Reading this and just listening to the waves is very relaxing. Unfortunately, when I recorded it did not pick up sound since it is a browser game, I am very sorry about that! I really enjoyed this, thank you!