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A member registered Apr 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Heyyy, this is pretty cool so far! I'm very excited for updates and, hopefully, completion!

So far, the story is really engaging and entertaining and I had lots of fun reading it! The characters are portrayed very nicely, especially for a fan game, so that was really cool! Also Bow Kid is the most precious little child and I will protect her with my life.
The character sprites were sometimes a little distracting since they're so stylistically different from the backgrounds, but they were all decently drawn and I don't really have too many complaints about them. Oh- and speaking of the backgrounds, I really love how well they were drawn! It seriously felt like I was in dead bird studio when I saw the reception place, or in hat kid's ship during the beginning! 
I also gotta say, I really like the idea of the badge salesman being used as a game mechanic. I've always felt like visual novels were difficult and tedious to navigate after making a mistake or just wanting to get a different ending and what not- so this is a really nice idea, especially for casual players like me. I also really liked the UI. It was very easy to navigate and it was well laid out!
My only real complaint is that I wish there was more to play. I'm totally hooked, and I'm super excited to see where this goes! So far I haven't really experienced any issues or bugs. I guess if there's one thing I could say it's that some of the music is a bit distracting but it's really not a problem, I still had tons of fun!

Tl;dr: Game looks great, I love the organization, everyone looks heckin adorable! Thank you and goodnight