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A member registered 20 days ago

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I havent played too much, but i am pleasantly surprised by this vn. At first i assumed oh its gonna be another weak human mc (which i dont mind for sexual stuff but for story and stuff its just so blegh) but seeing the mc motivate himself through self doubt of his own anatomy was very nice to see. Knowing hes at a disadvantage due to being smaller and weaker than most and still trying his best to excel in as much as he can. I hope brut explodes.

Its very good so far and i also like the music a lot. usually i end up not caring much for female characters (i am an avid men enjoyer) but Xaria would be my favourite character if it werent for Eryx. hes so sweet. 

(i hope i spelt all the characters names right its a bit late and i have the memory of a gold fish)

Oh i plan on it. Its very well written, while not my favourite the artstyle is very nice and i assume there is more nsfw scenes but i didnt find myself playing for them like i usually do, like i actually want to see the story. im looking into a lot of vns rn and i should just stick with one and do all of that at once i am very scatter brained and cant keep my focus on one thing for long. ill make more comments about my feelings on each route as i find them. Ik theres stuff you unlock by doing the routes so after i do burry and rune ill redo max, just to see if i can use the canine magic properly because i did see that it gave me a notif to tell me i couldnt do it. that implies i can find a way to be able to do it..

Got an ending, a real ending not a silly one, and holy shit the writing is good. The characters feel believable and now that i know more about the world and how it works, the other dogs turning a blind eye to teak makes sense. ive only done one ending but man most people are awful to luke i hope there is a more uplifting ending tucked away somewhere. ill have to play more when im less busy. keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Ok im barely into the game literally like just past the competition with Teak, literally the start. actually idk how long this game is but whatever thats besides the point. 

I literally made an account to say how much i HATE Teak, every time he opens his mouth he makes my blood boil because hes just being the worst. He mocks Luke for DOING HIS JOB because as far as im aware Luke literally owns the shelter. like, what an ass. He serves you beer. gives you money or whatever idk for the stuff you find. and then you treat him like actual dirt. i hope he either SIGNIFICANTLY improves or i will be a permanent hater.

as for the rest of the game so far its wonderful, love the music ive heard, the concepts are interesting , the art is wonderful and as much as i hate teak i assume thats the point. its getting emotions out of me and thats what a vn is supposed to do and its the first vn to actually do that, especially only like an hour in (give or take especially cause i talk to myself while playing vns). 10/10 so far if theres ever a time to ditch teak i will take it regardless of the repercussions he is the no.1 op rn.

ik i shouldnt have such strong opinions so early but goodness gracious he is the worst and to get such a rise out of me means he is written well because i have never cared so deeply before about anyones downfall, let alone a fictional characters