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The Punto

A member registered Jul 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Tumble, I have a lore question, is the dog from the first game and Leonard the same?

Actually, it's pretty good. A reflexive (and funny) little game about shooting a ball to reach a goal that is in constant debate. You do not know to which of the two entities that are expressed, which I interpret as two parts of your consciousness that are in discord (this is used quite a lot, and it is very well applied here). 

It's a shame; I lost a bit of the surprise that the posters had two messages because before I played this I saw the video of Ravioli Spills (damn, what a good youtuber), but that ending was tremendous and it killed me with laughter when the text of: "This game is about your life. Shoot here to see how it's about your life." showed in the screen. I don't know if it was intentional, but I found it fucking funny. All in all, good little ball shooter game (it reminded me of Stanley Parable and I'm disappointed not to get a reference to the Portal style like "Cake is a lie" but with the castle), I'd like to see it expanded and with, I get knees, a reload animation for the revolver. IT IS THE MOST SATISFYING IN THE ENTIRE VIDEO GAME HISTORY AND IT IS A CRIME NOT TO HAVE ONE. 10/10.

(3 edits)

[ - I had never had such a good time with a fangame; completed it 100% in one go. - ]

Simply spectacular what you put on the table:  great and memorable characters (voice performances like KingFox's really make me fall in love with animatronics), a tense atmosphere well complemented by a remarkable soundtrack and good ambient sounds, very well thought out and polished mechanics, AWESOME graphics (even with the minimum configuration maintains a very good appearence), a story that fulfills quite well and several other little surprises, like that custom night, whose mode 7/20 was a pain in the ass (God, I hate Classic Tealer with all my soul). 

The path that the community is taking is simply impressive, which aside from being relatively toxic due to the attitudes of some of its members, the creativity it possesses is shining before everyone, and I think this game is indeed one of those projects that shines for its quality. This experience had a soul, and it's something that really filled me up, I felt really good despite the scares I had (it may sound like a joke, but I spent about 10 MINUTES on the stairs because I just didn't want to go down, and the high tension in the environment didn't help. Probably the scariest part of the game for me). I congratulate you, NeeTroo, this a great example of what someone can do for mere love of art and a franchise. Looking forward to your nexts proyects! :D