Still better than fortnite
The gamer dude
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here's my take on all this......vitriol. keep in mind i don't comment on these sites all but its just so bad here that i think people need a wake up call.
1. wolfe...dude. i get your anger about devs just basically taking money and sitting on their bums but...unless you actually donated then why are YOU upset? I hate bum devs as much as you but like, its not worth to get as angry when you are not being affected. Heres my take...if a dev is making a game yet does not recive and compensation meaning no patreon, no donations, no paying for the game no anything...then thats a personal passion project. because are doing it on your own time and dime. if they ARE accepting donations and what not then it turns into a public passion project. others are helping to make the game a reality so they have all the right to complain and give criticism. it seems that lately people have been stroking off devs far too much even when they do nothing and attacking the ones who do it as an actual personal project. but in the end its just not worth it to attack someone you didn't even give your money to. so id say step back and breath. not saying you are wrong but still...chill.
edit: read some more and at least wolfe admitted their mistakes multiple times and got a lil less aggressive. dunno why yall keep downvoting em.
2. as for the got serious anger issues man. the other guy kinda brought up good points even if he was over reacting a little. it seemed like you were trying to be nice in your first reply then got hostile at the end for no good reason. i get it hate comments can be demotivating but criticism is not hate comments. if you ask for money before even having a demo...thats weird but its still ok in my eyes. but at that point you gotta realise that it isnt personal anymore. its kinda like having investors. you dont expect to go to your investors after 3 years and say you are just not in the right headspace or something and expect them to bend over for you after giving hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. people are just tired of fake devs. i really.....really hope you are not a fake bum dev but the way you've been acting...not the best look. you kinda calm down after a while then go back a few days later to attack and ban the same guy? at that point you are the problem. take this advice and learn to control your emotions better. we all understand things take time and money....but dont act higher than thou because you are a dev. we dont live forever and people are giving up money for your idea. its not a one way street. both parties must understand and respect the others time (and money) and thus...position and feelings. so please...just try to clear your head and calm down and expect to be criticized and learn how to actually learn from it. wishing ya the best.
3. its hip to fuck robots.