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STAY Happy Productions

A member registered Jan 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Ah that's unfortunate :(By changing permissions you mean writing the chmod 755 command that's explained in the little tutorial here on the itch page?

Hold your horses there friend! We just release chapter 3! It takes a while to do all the new art, writing, and programming. The date for the next chapter isn't set at all! We'll announce it on our social medias when the time comes~

As for the update no it won't do it on itself. You'll have to come back here and download the new version!

obviously but where did you open the map from ? is it from everywhere (studio, dance practice etc.)? Which chapter were you playing when this happened

ahaa it's bc you're not supposed to be able to click on the arcade, it's not programmed yet. can you tell me where you're able to access the arcade button ?? so i can fix it! Thanks~

Hello! Can you give us more details ? What steps did you take to install and run the game ? What errors were displayed on screen ? You send it here or dm us on Twitter (@TheFelixGame), we'll be more responsive there ! :)

This is not a mobile game. You can download it on computers with Mac, Windows or Linux !

Hi~! I'm not sure what you mean ? The game is still in development and what you can download on our page is only chapter 1 ! We're working on the 2nd chapter right now. 

Hi~ Sorry fo the late reply. We uploaded the tutorial to our youtube channel, make sure to check it out !

Hello~ Please check our youtube channel ! We uploaded the tutorial for Mac and Linux not long ago. If you still have issues, feel free to dm us on twitter @TheFelixGame

Hello, the game should work on your computer or laptop. Can you dm us on twitter @TheFelixGame ? We'll try to help you out !

The tutorials will be up soon ! We had some technical problems and couldn't release them immediately with the builds. 

Hi! We will start to work on it shortly, and we will keep you updated on our socials when it's out !

Hello! This is not a mobile game, you have to download it on your computer !

We will soon release it on more platforms. Keep an eye out!

It will soon be available on more platforms! Stay tuned~

Hello! Unfortunately, the software we used to develop the game (Unity) doesn't support Chromebook builds...

Hello! 32Bit version is coming soon! Please wait a little more~

Hello! For now it's only on PC, yes. We might consider a mobile release but it'll come later, as it requires a bit more work.

Hello! Unfortunately, the software we used to develop the game (Unity) doesn't support Chromebook builds...

Hi ! Can you tell us what happens when you click the download link ? If you could dm us on Twitter @TheFelixGame we will try to help you as much as we can !

Hello! When you click on the download link, nothing happens ? Or is there any messages ?

Hello! We're sorry to hear that... Can you dm us on twitter @TheFelixGame so we can help you better?

Hello ! Are there any warnings that appear, and if so what do they say ?

Normally if you click the options button on the title screen, or go to the options app in your phone menu, there should be a full screen option. Have you tried from there?