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The Dj Gamer

A member registered Aug 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very cute art style, with a fun simple and addicting gameplay loop.

The mechanic of the block you are about to place being able to collide with the blocks that have been placed makes for some interesting strategy, being able to push the blocks to not make them fall over, or being able to push a block into a space to help stabilize the tower.

Loved the idea of having to go through a DB and find data to piece together information to get the answer.

Aside from the obvious balancing issues (which people have brought up), the mechanic of getting to scale up and become the boss is fun.

I did encounter a bug where after the second time of be scaling down I was unable to hit the boss.

When scaled up I got stuck on level geometry a bit and also found it hard to find the little boss.

Other then that, this game is fun and addicting

I like the mechanics, it makes for interesting puzzles.

I did encounter some lag though as the game progresses.

I think I also cheesed the final level.

Great Game!

we can't download it sadly, the icon really looked interesting

Like the art style, interesting gimmick/mechanic that makes for cool puzzles.

Love it!