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The Random European Pickup Devs Bar

A member registered Aug 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for such an in-depth review! You bring up really good points too! Our amazing writer, Leaf, had a really tough ballance to strike to make sure it never felt heavy-handed or unnatural. And all that in a really short time! I do personally feel there’s something poetic, or even meta, about not being able to choose your own gender as a player. Nobody gets to choose. We are who we are, even if we don’t always look the part right away. And it instinctively feels wrong when our idea of self doesn’t match how we are seen by others. Through games, we can experience this in all sorts of ways. And that, for me, is part of what makes games so powerful.

I’m really glad it resonated like that with you! We’re very proud of our writer who did a great job (in my humble opinion) in portraying the relation between the two siblings! I think your brother is lucky to have you!

Thank you so much for playing our game! It makes us very happy that you enjoyed the experience. ‘Wholesome’ had been our key-word for the development, and we’re very glad it comes across that way!

This is a fun game. It’s fairly complex without a playable tutorial but when making a game in 72 hours you rarely have time to include one. Scientifically speaking I’m not sure ‘vegan’ should be the top score, but that’s probably a whole debate to have. Having 3 ‘shooting’ options and given how slowly the player character moves, it gets fairly hectic, which is nice. Perhaps if the munchie could somehow make it known why they don’t like certain things the player can learn more intuitively.

Even though the dialogue was in a language I don’t understand, I had fun with this game! It’s very tense and audio-visually coherent. The mechanic of being able to absorb some objects while staying away from others is fun, the music fits like a glove with the tense-ness of the game. I wasn’t able to beat the game, but then, I’m not that good…