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A member registered 81 days ago · View creator page →

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I really like it.

its cool but i did not really get what to do.  

ok thank you.

can any one play test my game and give some feedback, it is called "canon topple". 

there is a game made with unity it is called drift master 3d.

you pout it into a file then when the jam starts you can export it.

you need to pout your game into a file then make it a zip file then when the jam starts you will be able able to publish your game to the jam. 

I need some ideas if any one has any. And i'm thinking that we can just pout down a hole bunch of ideas fore any one who wants any.

never mined I don't have a subscription, sorry.

Just to add I'm not the best you can check one of my games here Roket_pods.

Hi I am quite good and experienced GDevelop game developer. I was wandering if any one would team up with me on a team to make a game fore this challenge.