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A member registered May 18, 2021

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The Null Object Reference crash still happens when getting to Blazin'


 Funkin Crash Report


Generated by: Friday Night Funkin' - v0.3.1

  Git hash: 2c48b12 (CLEAN)

System timestamp: 2024-05-02-02-51-55

Driver info: OpenGL Vendor=NVIDIA Corporation Version=4.6.0 NVIDIA 552.12 Renderer=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 GLSL=4.60 NVIDIA

Platform: Windows

Render method: DRAW_TILES



- Memory Used: 1661483516 bytes

- Memory Reserved: 1687466108 bytes

- Memory Current Pool: 1661486844 bytes

- Memory Large Pool: 1636064636 bytes

- HXCPP Debugger: Disabled

- HXCPP Exp Generational Mode: Disabled

- HXCPP Exp Moving GC: Disabled

- HXCPP Exp Moving GC: Disabled

- HXCPP Exp Moving GC: Disabled

- HXCPP Debug Link: Disabled

- HXCPP Stack Trace: Enabled

- HXCPP Stack Trace Line Numbers: Enabled

- HXCPP Pointer Validation: Enabled

- HXCPP Profiler: Disabled

- HXCPP Local Telemetry: Disabled

- HXCPP C++11: Disabled

- Source Annotation: Disabled


Flixel Current State:



- discord_rpc git(

- flixel git(

- flixel-addons git(

- flixel-text-input haxelib(1.1.0)

- flixel-ui git(

- flxanimate git(

- format haxelib(3.5.0)

- funkin.vis git(

- hamcrest haxelib(3.0.0)

- haxeui-core git(

- haxeui-flixel git(

- hscript haxelib(2.5.0)

- hxCodec git(

- hxcpp haxelib(4.3.2)

- hxcpp-debug-server git(

- hxp haxelib(1.2.2)

- json2object git(

- lime git(

- mconsole git(

- mcover git(

- mockatoo git(

- munit git(

- openfl git(

- polymod git(

- thx.core git(

- thx.semver git(


Null Object Reference

  in flixel/graphics/tile/FlxDrawTrianglesItem.hx#63

  in flixel/FlxCamera.hx#774

  in flixel/FlxGame.hx#873

  in flixel/FlxGame.hx#566

  in openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx#402

  in openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx#1399

Occasional audio desyncs with song vocals and insrtumentals because of lag when starting up a song for the first time, too

Null Object Reference still happens, and the audio visualizer effect that's supposed to happen on Nene's boombox still doesn't work on the desktop version.

You gotta fix Null Object Reference. Happens whenever you play a week and you get to the second song.