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That Game Developer

A member registered Dec 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the positive feedback! Wow, that's such a high number of holo orbs you got there haha. I am glad you enjoyed it. There will be more characters to play with in the future updates alongside with actual levels that progress with waves. For now, this is just a prototype.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback. It's nice to see a fellow game developer. Yes, I am also not satisfied of the perspective but the placement would otherwise not be able to  show the characters without overlapping too much. I did my experimentations and decided this was the best. Also, they are 2d now. They were 3d models but I rendered them and just put them as animated 2d sprites. I really want to show how pretty they are too but I have no idea how. Making them 3d would compromise a lot more GPU than I would like. I am thinking about showing their detailed sprites when hovered by mouse.