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A member registered May 11, 2023

Recent community posts you mean i wasnt fast enough to adapt? the purple xenos were gettin spammed before i could increase damage

i had my autoclicker on and everythin

Imo we should be able to use a furry avatar

Idk itd be cool

Alright, thanks homie, that worked

I just got confused is all

Do I need the potions to be in my inventory? Or just crafted?

So, I cant tell if Im just getting glitched game or something
buuut i cant finish it. 
No matter what ending I choose, I can collect the ingredients, but it doesnt let me do the quest.

To Be fair, I couldn't figure out the wendigo cave, haha! I shall update my game now!

Its a good game
Theres, a few bugs.
In the abandoned hotel, jumping locks you into the roof, needs a reset.
Also in there, when grabbed by a ghost, theres a 50.50 chance itll just lock you in the shadow realm with another reload requirement
(as in like, yknow, reload)

With a few anims, it can bug out comPLETELY, making it impossible to escape em, needs a reload. AND, reloading can also bug out.

i do like it..but...its just...ghhh the bugs make me :C

I, usually played in fullscreen, it was always alt+f4ing for me. What platform did you play on?

M a n...I cant wait for the next parts.
Final suggestions for the game though!
Upgrades to the gun recharge rate! Please! It takes so long!
More, stealth, mechanics. It shouldnt be for the one area.
At a game over, have an option to return to Main Menu. Its annoying having to alt f4 repeatedly!

With cheat mode on, maybe switch the icon of health potions to an infinite symbol? Its hard to tell if its on.

Finally, a notepad/objective thing on the side. Just a way to know what you are meant to do at any time. Just cuz like, I was confused at so many points! Wait, one more thing! A loot creatures part? So then we can use more of our inventory!
Please, consider these? Itd be nice!

gahd dayum, this is pretty interesting
Cannot WAIT to see updates to this!

oh my god i figured it out.
For those who need to know. Go to the area with the spikes at the bottom. Dodge the trap, and get down. Walk along the floor where the spikes are.

How did you get there? Please?
This rock is in the way!

I needa write this out to give suggestions.
1, please, when its a game over, return, to title. Its annoying having to alt + f4, then re-open it.
2, more, clothes. Its rare to find them. Way too rare.
3, upgrades for reload on the gun.
Finally, 4, more, clear, instructions.

never mind i was just not timing it right.

OK I really need help. How the heck do I get past the wolf boss? Like, after you gassed him. I have tried stealth, but he keeps seeing me.

but, theres a block in the way. like, the platform that breaks. What do I do?!

Oh wow, fr? Lemme go try that rn. Thanks a bunch!

Hey mate out of curiosity is it possible to like

Grow a dick when your female? Regret picking that option instead of herm or even male. Asking for a friend!

Few suggestions here
1, save files. Theres different options, ya know? So like, let us go back into previous things.
2, change the outside spunk texture. Have it more liquidy and coaty, rather then stringy.
3, this might be like, translation errors, assuming that it wasnt originally in english, but in case it was, there are a few things.
4, make werewolves speak less dumbly. Just, might be better

Just as a few suggestions, you can choose to ignore me if you wish