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A member registered Dec 28, 2020

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(1 edit)

Well, to be frankly honest, what the audience wants is more often things they have already seen time and time again in movies and TV shows. I like the author to stick true to their vision and really deliver their masterpiece as intended. After all, you know your material the best, the rest of us just know the characters from what you have decided to let us know about them.

I never felt in an uproar during any of the story so far. However, I definitely felt my heart break a few times in there, damn you for pulling at my heart strings the way you did, and you can probably guess where (hint: as mentioned I relate most with Braden).   

I’m not sure if I’m upset or excited that this will be wrapped up soon, but I’m ready for the journey! Are you planning to do more novels like this in the future? If so, are you thinking clean slate or are you expanding on other characters with the already established characters being the background?

Also, don’t let me take too much of your time, I understand you are busy, I just can’t help but probe for more.  Lastly, I hope you are doing well and staying safe during this crazy year we’ve had. You genuinely seem like a good, kind person, and I hope the world has been kind back to you!

Thank you for the thoughtful reply, it’s very kind of you to take such time in responding to your community.  I appreciate that outlook on life to allow yourself to like what you like when you like it. For many people it takes a long time and a lot of self reflection to allow yourself to really understand what you like and what you are making yourself like due to social norms.  I also appreciate you sticking to your guns and really owning your characters. (Not allowing fans to sway you in a direction with them). You have amazing talent and I look forward to seeing more from you.   I also loved seeing the evolution of your work you have made such amazing strides in your storytelling and artwork, I can’t help but think the fire was to help erase some of the old sets and bring in some new stuff you have learned, and if that is the case I love that you tied it in with the broken thermostat, so clever. 

 Out of curiosity, how much more story do you think there is left to tell? I can’t decide if I want it to go on forever or if I want to get to the end and be at bliss with whatever you/they decide  will happen!  Thanks again! 

(2 edits)

Tried to avoid any spoilers but avoid if you are over sensitive to spoilers!

I made an account just to thank you for this game! You will definitely be getting my support on patreon. I connect to this on a whole different level than I expected. I actually care about the characters and I definitely wasn’t expecting that when I was just looking for a dirty game to play. I connect with Braden on a level I didn’t anticipate.   It took a few years to finally understand my sexuality. I don’t openly advertise it, but I think it is very similar to what is going on with Braden.  I thought I was just straight maybe bi-curious, but I now define my sexuality as pansexual. I don’t usually have an initial attraction to people (sometimes I’ll get a good vibe from someone and I’ll notice them), instead it’s a slow burn and I grow to care about people way too much and that’s when I start to recognize how attractive they are.  Lord knows I’ve grown huge crushes on my best male friends that I’ve never acted on. Thank you for all the time and effort you and your team have put into this game. It’s very impressive! I can’t wait for the update!