This was such a delightful game to play! Recently, I did a let's play of it for the recent season of Those Guys Play, and my friend and I may have fallen in love with a werewolf!
A member registered Jun 05, 2017
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This game was everything I wanted it to be, and more. I burst out laughing and knew I was going to play something hilarious the second Cage had a 17 pack. All of the references to Cage's filmography was a nice touch too. You clearly know your stuff. Thank you for making one of the weirder games I've ever played!
These were the worst, but in the best way possible. Its always interesting how an author can talk about how much they hate something, yet the incorporate it into their work so much! Either way, I wish I could have seen more from Square. Square was my favorite! Thank you for making such a unique game!
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