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A member registered Oct 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well, I don’t even know what to say about this “game”, which literally takes one minute to complete.
Scary? No.
Interesting? No.
Stupid? Yes.

Great demo for a great game! It seems to me that this is what many players have been waiting for (I, for example, was really looking forward to such a game from Male Doll). At one time I liked "Rescue the Guy" and I've been waiting for something like a pixel platformer for a long time. It finally happened! Interesting mechanics, old favorite characters, wonderful and vibrant locations. I'm looking forward to seeing the full game.

Some of the men look a little unrealistic, but the novella is very good.
There is erotic content, there is a game over too, there is a plot and everything is great!
The ending is generally beyond praise.