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A member registered Jan 25, 2024

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I wasn't curious (I don't even know what was there...), I was just trying to fix a bug, I could try another way, but congratulations, your game is fantastic, I beat it in 1 hour and 23 minutes

(1 edit)

oh, I fixed it! Then I was so angry, I had to delete ALL the game folders, uninstall and install, I lost my 16 hours played, Seriously, this game HAS A FATAL BUG if you exit and save later, the game breaks and remains buggy even if you uninstall and install this bug it continues, but PLEASE fix this bug, because it is almost invisible

Hey I found a bug, I downloaded the new version of your game I played a lot on the first day, But on another day a gamemaker bug screen appeared, I did as much as possible Even installing and uninstalling the same bug appears, can you please fix it So more people can avoid this bug.