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A member registered Mar 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh yeah, look at that, the lore blob does say they serve the conduit. My bad. Still trying to dive into this lore myself

This was a clean and enjoyable read. I liked getting to follow an Inquisitor and as mentioned by another comment, all the little hints about radiation. Ending from the viewpoint of a ship in orbit was stellar too. The only feedback I might have is that I wish the consequences theme was related to the main character closer, instead of him just dealing with the consequences of others. Still amazing story

I liked the themes and ideas here. Getting to see flavorful insight into the culture of the prime brothers and their short life spans is really cool. It definitely would hit harder if the word limit wasn't so harsh. Small discrepancy, that I might be misunderstanding; you said that the main character answered the conduit's call, except they are a prime brother. Im still very new to this lore but I thought battle brothers were serving the conduit and the prime brothers were fighting him. 

A wonderfully clean and nice read.