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A member registered Feb 23, 2023

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Absolutely love the game, but was a bit disappointed with 0.5. just felt like instead of the story advancing and the NSFW scenes happening along the way, the plot was nothing more than a vehicle so you can tick off the girls that you hadn't had scenes with yet.  Which left a lot of loose ends - 


Like the yearbook was just an excuse to get the protagonist alone with Penny - the two of you trespass into this chick's room and then... just stop caring about the reason they did it in the first place?, or the elevator scene - you've just knocked someone out with a bat and left him tied up in the office... but you stop to get it on)   

The cliffhanger is great, but the story didn't really move much until that last scene. And I'm not even sure the detours really developed the characters of the ladies or the relationships with them that much. (Don't get me wrong, I love the sexy stuff but it can be sexy AND develop the story/characters/relationships. It just feels like that was missing from 0.5)