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A member registered May 27, 2020

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i cant download it or anything


download and run. or if you are on mac install the itch app.

t h i c c

Wow that was really bad

i need the download. now.

are you seriously blind? do you see the download button?

click on the download button for linux and open the app.

wow that was really cool

nice boomerang pc

i like how its called FortniteSucks- WindowsNoEditor.pak lol


chrome is hard to do with very limited hardware, so games on it are pretty rare. i wouldn't bet too much on it.

i think the mobile version is more updated, see here

(1 edit)

if the game doesn't autosave, i would like a save feature and possibly a save menu for multiple saves. sometimes the game is a little long, so thats why i want the feature. Maybe add it to the "quit" menu; also when you reach 0 tiles maybe add a game over screen. Great game, im definitely going to play it more.

yeah, just ignore him :/ 

run the extractor, then search "goose" in downloads. then run the exe and it doesnt need admin perms, the extractor may take a bit; to make it go away, search goose in downloads again and there should be a file named "close goose." just run this and hes gone

also i forgot to make it go away, search goose in downloads again and there should be a file named "close goose." just run this and hes gone

report them on discord then

run the extractor, then search "goose" in downloads. then run the exe and it doesnt need admin perms, the extractor may take a bit


what is yo problem toxic

this is so good. i love how you have to speedrun and grab everything before time's up! great game, definitely a great experience :)