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Teharra Rose

A member registered Sep 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hmm I'll still check it out just in case. I am slowly learning python also to help with my renpy skills so it might come in handy in the future for me. One never knows. I still am grateful for the knowledge and you for  creating it. :)

I am a beginner still and was just teaching myself screens today! Im excited to learn more about them with this tool. Thank you for creating it!

I don't think I could have spent money faster. What an amazing opportunity for any starting visual novel Dev. Thank you so much and I look forward supporting you more! 

Omgosh we are so excited and humbled. Thank you for bringing our story to a wider audience. We appreciate you. ❤️

Great story! Left me leaving wanting to know more about this game world.  Could be a great bigger story kind of plot. Great job. 

Used this in a game jam free game here

thank you! It was perfect!

awww thank you. I won't say I'll go up against the best but if I can give them a run for their money and bring new people into the genre along the way, then I count that as a win!! 

Good game!

Reminded me of a reverse flappy bird kind of mechanic and it was very unique! Good job!

thought this game was super simple and funny. Definitely a good submission for this jam! Good job. 

Aww thank you for reading it and I am sure with the right choices, anything is possible for Gary. Thank you so much again! ( ^_^)

Well.... you warned me. LOL That was funny. 

What a neat concept! Definitely felt the theme here lol 

So funny! had a blast  playing. Great game!

great game! had a lot of fun playing! 

Great game! Totally had me thinking hard!

LOL so much fun! Love the asthetic and the look in general -- the popups. great game

The visuals are impressive as is the game itself. very fun! 

Thank you for playing! I have played and rated yours as well! 

I like the card battle aspect and the graphics of the trolls. If it had been complete I think it might make a neat mini game. 

cute little game. 

I liked the game I felt that it had funny dialogue. I feel like a trigger warning could have been nice. Other than that I liked it and of course got the bad ending first trying not to get trolled and so that was a good feature to guess what the player would do before they do it. 

thank you! :)

Great job, definitely felt trolled.  XD I died every time before becoming a troll though but that's operator error for sure lol

Great game! I liked Metic being the store and the instigator with his trolling comments. It went very smoothly all together. 

Super cute game! I liked the concept and the fetch quests. I felt like you created a community among the faceless that we were easily immersed into.  Good job!

Great concept and graphics! Didn't make it to the end but I liked what I did play. Great job!

Yes! And it's a niche I love from reading them all the way up to making them!  I am so glad to find other lovers of the genre.  Thank you so much for  reading and playing, I'm glad it kept you entertained and you liked the story!  :D

Hi there! I just wanted to let you know i used one of your backgrounds in my O2A2 game jam game! Thank you so much for letting us use these. 🙂 credit has been given! 

Thank you so much! Yes i decided his name was still perfect and only changed it up slightly for coding purposes (im newer with renpy so it helps to have the dmall differences with everything.) And he was perfect! He legit looks like my therapist so I had to make it in honor of my muse lol he's a perfect character and I loved him! I'm glad you liked the game and the outcomes and that they moved you. 🥰

ah that makes sense but still, great game otherwise! I forget people join later. I apologize. 

It is! I love seeing all the different ways people make it work and I'm over here like... well, I need to know how y'all did that! LOL So cool. And thank you so much for playing! I appreciate you!

Ok! I'm going back into it now. I pressed every button on the keyboard and I probably didn't press the mouse (now I can't remember LOL) but I will try again! Thank you! :D 

The controls were great, I loved the graphics and the music fit well. Only feedback I have has already been given, for as good of a game as it is, I had troubles finding things at first. But I liked it all the same and it was fun exploring. Also wish the other students said more than one thing only because of how many times I ran into them XD LOL Good job!

I enjoyed the game a lot and love seeing what else RenPy is capable of (as I'm just learning it and new as of two months ago to the program but I'm in love with it!) Great narrative.  Only thing I wish is that metic spoke but in this case I'd allow it for game purposes.  I won't say what. no spoilers. everyone should play this game just for the experience . Great job!

Love this game. Everything flows so well together and the rhythm part is a lot of fun.  I busted out laughing at the end. Omgosh. Plot twist. Excellent game! <3 

I LOVE this game. One of my favorites so far. Legit the only thing missing is Metic's voice but honestly, I really like this game and it's graphics too. Metic with his floating heart was soooo cute. lol Great game!

I like the pixel art as it reminds me a little of a cut out character but pixel form. Super cute! The music went well and I love the intro with metic and such.  I had a bit of trouble picking up the key and talking to the girl until I ultimately threw myself off the side of the world and got stuck in a grey area that I couldn't get out of. LOL I'm sure I was doing something wrong.  Was there a certain way I should be talking with the girl other than pressing E as the conversation never moved forward for me and I am thinking it's an aspect of the game and the troll theme but I wasn't sure. Thanks! I'll play more after you reply.

Aww I will let Muhammad (@MKoiliwala) know! He helped with getting the troll just right and it's okay for sure! I appreciate the updated review as I was a little sad about my niche game with this jam but it's what happens when you take that chance to go for the niche LOL But I am excited and appreciative that you did get through it and there were aspects of the story and art you enjoyed! Thank you so much again. :)