OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!!!!! This absolutely warms my heart and made my day so so so so so much and really reminds me that WOW PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE MY GAMES :') Thank you again for your support, and it is a little sad to say that game dev plans will slow down a little, but I hope to put out as many games whenever I can!!! <3 Would love to explore making longer games too (highly unlikely, but still a possibility). Also omg the million fans meme 😂❤ Thank you!!!!
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Thank you for the heartfelt message! I appreciate all your support throughout the years! It really has been so long... 10 years... Thank you for your kind words and continuous support! I'll continue to try my best with the visual novels! I also really appreciate the fanart you've drawn for our games and hope you gain the confidence to continue drawing!
Also no haha I'm not making music, I think I mentioned that I asked a friend for help with a little insert song in this game 😅
Thank you! Always happy to hear you enjoy my games! <3 Seriously can't believe it's been 10 years...
And thank you for the words of reassurance :' ) I do still love creating these games no matter how they're received! Obviously some games do better than others, but I like to try some new stuff here and there (this game is case in point haha). Happy new year!
Glad you enjoyed it! Definitely something different this year, kind of unintentional haha. Definitely a risk that I took.
As for Hokuto's tuna onigiri, I never thought about it, but let's say it's just tuna flake onigiri 😂. Also yes!! As I was googling for people that were named Hokuto (to verify if it's an actual name that's used or not), the pro wrestler was one that came up (though it's more her stage name than real name)! And yesss, had to include some pop star references here and there : )
Thank you for playing through this year's game and stay tuned for next year's! Sheeesh, it still hasn't hit me that it's been 10 years;;;
Thank you for your feedback! Sorry that this year's game wasn't up to your expectations! We didn't want to rush their relationship amongst the circumstances that Hokuto had and thought that this was the best non-rushed way of ending the game! Thank you for still giving this game a shot and we hope we can redeem ourselves in next year's game!
Thank you!!!! <333 Minami is unknowingly a heartbreaker LOOOL naively heartbreaking.... Yeah it'd be cute to explore what happens after tbh!! I feel like they'd end up doing the whole "dating secretly" thing though and that's another can of worms..... which would give room for a sequel, don't you think 👀
Thank you again for playing through the game!
Thank you for your continuous support!! Glad to hear you enjoyed this year's game as well <3 Also perfect, those words were meant to hurt >:)
And yes, the last CG is supposed to be the bonus doodle. Weird that it's not unlocking for you. Would you mind clicking through to the end again and see if it unlocks? (If possible)
Woah!! Thank you so much for the long and positive review, I really appreciate it a lot! I love the expression of "mental equivalent of comfort food", that's actually quite the accurate description of my games 😂 Fluffy, cute, cheesy, generic yuri that's not too deep.
We're very glad you enjoyed this year's game as well as our previous games! Glad to hear that our tried and true formula is still working while still being able to stay fresh with each year :' )
Thank you again for the review, praise, and recommendation! We hope you play our game next year!