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A member registered Oct 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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Sorry, we currently only have Paypal set up! We're not sure if we can set up another payment method at this time! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Oh my god thank you so much!!! If you have the time, please do check out our other games!! <3

感谢您尝试这款游戏!我希望能够为 今年的Yuri Game Jam 发布一款新游戏!敬请期待!

Sorry for the late reply! Thank you! Haha one day, we will include an R18 scene

Thank you! We hope that you try out our other games too!

I'm so sorry we never replied to this comment, it's been a year omg, BUT THANK YOU!!! That part was very emotional yes!! I loved writing that part and it's high praise to hear that we succeeded in capturing the raw emotion enough to make people cry!!!


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Aww that’s okay! It already means a lot to us that you enjoy our games and if you played through all our other games! The most we want to ask for is that you share the word to others who might like these ❤️

Thank you!!

Thank you!! Which game did you previously play? Hope you enjoy the next release as much as you do the others! <3

Wowza!! Thank you so much!! Always great to hear when people randomly stumble upon our games and end up liking them a lot! Thanks for giving our humble little games a chance :' )

Thank you! Totally forgot to reply, sorry! Thanks for playing through and enjoying it! 

Thank you!

Thank you so much!! 

Thank you for playing!

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Hi, please download the files labeled like this for English version.

Sorry, I can't send a screenshot for some reason, but hope that helps.

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Wow!! Thank you so much for yet another playthrough video! Always happy to see you upload a video on our games and I love watching through them! Thank you for your kind comments and support, it gives me serotonin hearing that you enjoy our games :') !!! Fingers crossed I make another game this year haha! Thank you again!!

Thank you!!

YEAAAHHH!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Hope you enjoy the game!! <3 

Yes!! Please enjoy the game when you get the time to play it!

It's been a long time coming!  Thank you for waiting! We hope you enjoy this year's game!

LOOL Hope you enjoy the game as much as you enjoy the title if you ever play it! 

Haha, I hope you'll enjoy/enjoyed the game!! Thank you for waiting for so long! 

Thank you!!! You playing the game and commenting is already supporting us a lot! Thank you!!!!!

Hi thank you for playing and loving the game! Unfortunately this is all there is to it and there are no plans on creating different endings. All our games are made within 2-3 months due to that being the Yuri Game Jam duration, so choices take too much time to fit in! Hope you understand!

Thank you for enjoying this year's game! Sorry that the alcohol kinda threw you off though;;;; But nonetheless thank you for reading through this year's game!! The bonus doodle at the end turned out better than I expected haha


Honestly, one of my favorite Britney Spears song, and I also think of the song whenever I see the title LOOL. Thank you!! I hope you enjoyed the game!

Thank you so much for waiting!! Very happy to hear that you loved the story! And thank you so much for the video! Really appreciate it aaahh! 

OMG!! You know about Opanchu Usagi?!??! To be honest, I only found out about Opachu this year via someone i follow (yes, Umeko finding it via twitter is a real life experience). Thank you for noticing all the easter eggs! I love putting little references here and there from my previous games!

I hope you'll enjoy it just as much if not more the second time reading through it! A wonderful rest of the yuri year to you too! 

Thank YOU for waiting this long!! We hope you enjoy this year's game! Cheers to another year of gay ass games!!

Thank you!! And thank you for the feedback! If you ever decide to play again, you can always press A to change the font size! (This goes for all other Renpy games as well) 

Also awww haha, it's too bad Ringo only appeared for a little bit. A friend and I were joking that she should be the MC for next game LOL


Thank you so much!! 

COLLARBONE!! Yes, you can adjust the text size by pressing "a" on your keyboard! 

Thank you!

Thank you for enjoying our little game!!! Glad to hear you liked it! It always makes me happy that this game delivers above and beyond what people expect haha! We would love to see some fanart! Make sure to @ us on twitter so we know (assuming you're posting on twitter) !

Hi! Thank you so much for the code! Is there a way to keep the phone screen up while still showing the textbox? Currently the phone disappears when I have the main character thinking to herself in the game textbox, and would like the phone screen to stay up while she thinks to herself. Thanks in advance!

Thank you!